Community Film Commission, Doe Lea, Bolsover
Deadline: 09/01/2017City: Doe Lea, Bolsover | Region: Derbyshire | Country: United Kingdom | Beam
To deliver an intergenerational film project with the residents of Doe Lea focused on fostering community awareness and understanding, and developing new skills. The project will result in a final short film, which whilst referencing the history of the village, is also forward looking and aspirational and of which residents can be proud.
Doe Lea Community Film Commission
Filmmaker/ Artist Brief
1.1 Introduction
Beam has been appointed by Bolsover District Council to deliver the commissioning of a community film project for the village of Doe Lea, Derbyshire, funded through section 106 monies from recent residential development.
1.2 Approach
An open call approach to appointing the filmmaker for this commission is being employed. Following an interview process the Doe Lea Public Art Steering Group will appoint an individual (or organisation) to deliver this project.
In parallel to this project a significant public art commissioning process is also underway for a gateway artwork. The community filmmaking project is a distinct and separate commission, however we envisage there being the potential for a positive and productive synergy between the two projects and the professionals involved to maximise benefits to both projects.
1.3 Strategic Context
Bolsover District Council has supported the commissioning and development of public art for a number of years, most recently adopting an ‘Arts Development & Public Art Strategy’ for the district for the period 2016-20.
“Bolsover District Council have certainly for the last seven years, approached the concept, creation and delivery of public arts projects in a very innovative and strategic way achieving in many instances very unique arts projects that have received critical acclaim. The innovative use of Public Art may include:
- landmark design to help create identity for the place
- build upon or interpret an aspect of the sites history
- improve legibility or movement around the new area
- to act as a focus or activity for a new community
- even to help ‘sell’ the benefits of the development to the wider community”
Arts Development & Public Art Strategy 2016-20, pg 18
The strategy strongly seeks to -
“… encourage community involvement, as part of the development process of creating public art, this is a proven way of enabling communities to have a say and shape their environment, informing or educating people about a variety of issues, facilitating change in a given environment, encouraging community development and engaging with hard to reach groups. This involvement in artwork creation increases ownership, community policing and pride in the community itself.”
Arts Development & Public Art Strategy 2016-20, pg 20
The full strategy can be downloaded from the Bolsover District Council website -
2.1 Vision
To deliver an intergenerational film project with the residents of Doe Lea focused on fostering community awareness and understanding, and developing new skills. The project will result in a final short film, which whilst referencing the history of the village, is also forward looking and aspirational and of which residents can be proud.
2.2 Context
The former pit village of Doe Lea has a proud tradition of strong community spirit, however in recent years, in part due to radical changes to the material environment of the village and the nature of modern day lives and working patterns, residents are now less likely to know and engage with their neighbours and the wider community than previously. This project seeks to begin to positively address this issue. There is a tradition of filmmaking in the village and a number of these films are available to view online –
- Doe Lea, 1968 -
- Doe Lea – the village that wouldn’t die -
2.3 Overview
The filmmaker will capture the voices of the current community of Doe Lea in a creative, stimulating and inspiring short film that will be screened at a community event and various other events and opportunities throughout the year. The filmmaker will work alongside Beam, and the Public Art Steering Group to shape the project creatively, presenting a wide range of voices, views and opinions, which will be communicated coherently through the film, utilizing a range of filmmaking techniques. Opportunities for the community to exchange and participate will be a key part of the process of the project.
2.4 Aims of the Project
- Explore what a sense of community means in Doe Lea today
- Promote better understanding about the heritage and future aspirations of the village and its community
- Reference and build on previous films and archive footage produced in the local area – with potential links to content in the MACE archive
- Look for opportunities to link with the permanent public art commission in process and with the First Art programme, potentially through a combined launch event
- Consider both the physical and virtual/ online aspects of Doe Lea’s community
2.5 Objectives
- Bring together different parts of the community to celebrate difference and understand each other’s viewpoints through accessible participatory activities
- Provide intergenerational working opportunities promoting understanding across different parts of the community
- Provide family friendly activities and opportunities to engage with the project
- In particular to positively engage young people from the village in the process of production of the film
- Collaborate with local residents to provide skills development opportunities in film production
- Reflect the distinct character of the area including the natural environment, conservation and wildlife; Doe Lea’s mining heritage; its resilient community and future aspirations
2.6 Expected Outcomes
- The completed film will be unique to Doe Lea and Bolsover
- The completed film will be enjoyable and engaging for the local community and wider audiences
- Public Art Steering Group, the local community and other key stakeholders will gain skills and knowledge and feel ownership of the completed work
- The Artist will engage with key community partners in the development of the work
- The project will help to strengthen the community as a whole; improving cohesion and reducing tensions; and increasing intergenerational awareness and respect
2.7 Deliverables
- Final product for the project is a short film, approximately 3-5 minutes in length
- Work with a minimum of 100 participants delivering a minimum of 15 creative workshops/ opportunities throughout the project
- Film launch event
- Documentation report (photographic and online e.g. Artist’s Blog)
- Attendance at project meetings during the commission process as applicable
- Attendance at evaluation meeting on completion of the commission
2.8 Key contacts
- Doe Lea Public Art Steering Group
- Bolsover District Council
- Doe Lea Neighbourhood Watch Group
- Doe Lea Valley Community Partnership
- Ault Hucknall Parish Council
- Bramley Vale Primary School
- Local Secondary Schools (Shirebrook, Bolsover, Tupton)
- Doe Lea Resource Centre / the ‘Stute’ pub
Artist brief promoted - w/c 21 Nov ‘16
Deadline for applications - Monday 9 Jan ’17 9am
Shortlisted artist interviews - Monday 13 February
Artist appointed and contracted - w/c 30 Jan ‘17
Artist project proposal development phase - Feb ‘17
Artist project proposal presented to Steering Group and agreed - w/c 6 Mar ‘17
Community engagement/ workshops/ project delivery - Apr – Jul ‘17
Film production and editing - Aug – Sep ‘17
Film sign off - w/c 2 Oct ‘17
Film launch event - w/c 31 Oct ’17 / TBC
Evaluation - Nov ‘17
4.1 Artist Fee
The total fee for the commission is £9,000.00 plus VAT (if applicable)
This fee includes project proposal development, engagement workshops and activities, delivery of final film, film launch event, attendance at meetings and all other costs associated with the work and expenses.
Payments to artists will be scheduled to align with specific milestones being achieved. All payments to artists at all stages are subject to the condition that payment of appropriate funding has been made to Beam by Bolsover District Council.
All relevant Bolsover District Council policies and procedures will apply to this commission and any related work. All work will be subject to relevant permissions prior to implementation.
Beam’s Heath & Safety and Child Protection Policy will be applied to this project as appropriate.
The artist will be required to provide detail of Public Liability and other relevant insurances as requested by the Public Art Steering Group.
The film will be the property of Bolsover District Council who will retain copyright and credit the artist. The film will be freely available for community use.
Beam is committed to building an organisation that makes full use of the talents, skills, experience, and different cultural perspectives available in a diverse society. The aim of our policy is to ensure that at all stages of the recruitment, selection and employment process (including the artist commission process) we consider all applicants in fair and considered manner so that the most appropriate person is selected, regardless of age, colour, disability, gender, marital or family status, nationality or ethnic origins, race, religious belief or sexual orientation.
Beam’s Equal Opportunities Policy will be applied to this commission.
Deadline for applications: Monday 9th January 2017 – 9am.
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