isthisit? magazine issue 2 open call - memes and internet appropriation
Deadline: 20/05/2017Venue: The Internet | City: London | Region: London | Country: United Kingdom | Bob Bicknell-Knight
An open call for isthisit?'s second magazine publication, which will be available to view online and on physical 3D printed USB sticks. The overriding theme of the publication will be considering memes and internet appropriation.
isthisit? is a platform for contemporary art founded by Bob Bicknell-Knight.
You are invited to submit to isthisit?'s second magazine publication, which will be available to view online and on physical 3D printed limited edition USB sticks created by a number of artists.
The overriding theme of the issue will be memes and internet appropriation. In last years United States presidential election, memes are said to have played a fundamental role, with individuals on 4chan claiming that they were responsible for Donald Trump's rise to power due to the amount of memes that were created and shared on a daily basis. The second issue of the magazine hopes to consider the power of the meme, it's rise in contemporary culture alongside the widespread appropriation of images and videos being utilised in artists work.
You're invited to submit any and all types of work that fit under this loose theme, from videos to physical sculptures, net art to paintings. We are also looking for academic (and not so academic) essays that consider these ideas.
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