Deadline: 01/06/2017Country: United Kingdom | Gudrun Filipska
'Manuscript' is typically defined as; the original text of an author's work, any text not printed, a book or document written before the invention of printing. In the digital age where artists self publishing is increasingly popular the idea of Manuscript takes on much broader meaning. We are looking for written contributions and art works which respond to the theme 'Manuscript' for publication in early 2018. Contributions can be up to three thousand word essays, shorter written provocations and artist pages.
We are looking for written contributions and art works which respond to the theme 'Manuscript' for publication in early 2018.
Contributions can be up to three thousand word essays, shorter written provocations and artist pages. Please contact the editor if you would like to discuss the form of your contribution or have any questions at all.
Manuscript is typically defined as; the original text of an author's work, any text not printed or a book or document written before the invention of printing. Developing etomologically from Latin Manu -by hand and Scriptus -written. In the digital age where artists self publishing is increasingly popular the idea of Manuscript takes on much broader meaning.
A manuscript is a document/ collection of writings which have been brought to a particular point of fruition, complete enough to be rationally understood and considered by audiences and publishers but not finished- the manuscript is therefore a work in a state of transition-one that speaks of author archives, back catalogues and research as much as leaning towards the possibility of its bound, printed and possibly published self. The manuscript represents an interesting inbetween moment at a time when the art world and the humanities are becoming increasingly outcome driven and the idea of research is often undervalued.
We would be interested to receive proposals relating to but not limited to the following; Back catalogues, archives, the cult of the 'Original', Manuscript as relic (cult of author worship), Material which exists 'proir to publication' Ideas in progress, Artist archives, (different forms of planning, cataloguing, documenting, note taking).
Ideas of Palimsest (a manuscript or writing surface that has been reused, erased, or altered while retaining traces of its earlier form—and, by extension, an object, place, or area that reflects its history). Acephalousness - a manuscript lacking a beginning or missing fragments. Ideas of authorship, cryptology, Marginalia, Fetisisation of manuscript as object, Digital coding, binary, Java microprocessing, Destruction of manuscript/relic as profane act...
Please contact the editor, Artist/writer Gudrun Filipska with any questions using the "Contact the curator" button below.
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