Aprille McShane South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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Aprille McShane is a self-taught artist and printmaker whose work explores themes of nature, time, and personal connection to place. Rooted in daily walks and close observation, her practice revolves around sketching and printmaking to document the changing landscape and fleeting moments of the everyday.

I am a self-taught artist and printmaker in my middle years, exploring my place in time and the natural world. My work begins with daily walks; observing, collecting, and sketching small changes in the landscape. These studies evolve into artworks, shaped by process, intuition, and experimentation.

I embrace the physical nature of printmaking - the inking, pressing, and layering - allowing for spontaneity and surprise. Each piece is one-of-a-kind, often reworked with other media to follow where the process of making leads.

Making art is my way of paying attention to shifting seasons, fleeting moments, and quiet details that might otherwise go unnoticed. I’m not aiming to capture an exact scene but to evoke a feeling, a connection to place and time. My work invites the viewer to slow down with me and take notice.


Flower Crown, Installation, 2024


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