Ali Vermeeren France
Freelance Digital Artist | Graphic Novel Illustrator & Author
Freelance Illustrator
For the past year, I've been researching and developing a script for a new graphic novel. The graphic novel presents the reader with evidence of a crime committed over 700 years ago and examines five wild theories surrounding the event to determine what actually happened. The subject is a well-known fairy tale.
Recent projects include producing matte-painted stills for an indie horror film and working with a writer to illustrate a horror e-book for fans of his series of indie horror graphic novels. I illustrated the graphic novel Emily Corn™: Discovering Darkness with writer Page Wooller and publisher Markosia, which came out in 2019. I launched an independent art centre in an empty shop, which ran as a 2-year project with a shop, exhibition space, workshops, life drawing, and artists' studios. We sold on behalf of over 60 artists and makers and exhibited 17 artists from October 2018 to September 2020. In 2019, we were nominated as the best art space in Wiltshire.