Lotta Barlach Sweden
Lotta Barlach is a visual artist and designer working with mixed media assemblages. Her practice focuses on human civilization and time and again on the moments in which the traces of the past and the present meet the future. Her practice includes fine art, slow fashion as well as set and costume design.
Lotta Barlach is a visual artist and designer working with mixed media assemblages. Her practice includes fine art, slow fashion as well as set and costume design. The Weight of Lavender is the provisional title of a collection and an interactive exhibition including a performance. Inviting to a holistic view of human civilization it can be seen as a visual, fragrant and three-dimensional contribution to discussions about the future climate of the planet. It is also a contemporary continuation of the Paco Rabanne inspired collection Suitable that Lotta Barlach created in the mid-nineties. In Suitable, Lotta Barlach – fascinated by the structures of urban living – linked together industrially made objects, traces from contemporary urban daily life, weaving a picture of its meanings. In contrast to Suitable, the collection The Weight of Lavender appeals to some of the human senses such as smell and sense. It aims to inspire cross disciplined research for the future. Some of the disciplines it aims to cross are: art, design, ethnology, biology and chemistry. In her Photo Based Work in Progress Barlach uses the camera to dig in contemporary environments. By using simple and direct methods, she catches the moment in which the traces of the past and the present meet. Her water colours are experiments in which the worlds that she investigates with the camera in her Photo Based Work in Progress are further explored in another media. She also runs the slow fashion label Lotta that can be purchased at www.lotta.one. Lotta Barlach graduated Wimbledon School of Art with a B.A. in Three Dimensional Design (theatre design) 1991 and is presently, 2021, studying Textiles in Context at Textilhögskolan i Borås and Fashion and Style History at Uppsala University.