Elizabeth Palmer Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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I am a British multi media artist, with ongoing studies in contemporary art. I enjoy painting, collage, ink, acrylics, water-based oils, sculpture, installation formats and many more.

My main inspirations comes from nature and the genre of dystopia. My practice features lots of flowers and plants mixed with human features like eyes, ears and entire faces. As much as I enjoy making what can be considered ‘traditionally’ aesthetic pieces, I do also explore more abject and dark visual elements. I have been inspired by artists such as Francis Bacon, Joel-Peter Witkin and other artists that feature gore and horror elements in their work. I am also largely inspired by the genre of dystopia and how it is present in modern life and in creative outputs, both historically and contemporarily. This genre has always been an innate interest of mine, but only recently has it become something I look to display through my artwork.


Blessed Be, Printing ink on paper, 2024


Vivid Vanitas, Acrylic, oil pastel, chalk, 2024


Skin the Fool, Acrylic on canvas, 2024


Rebel Display, Acrylic on paper, poster designs, found objects, 2023


Artefacts of a Rebellion, Found objects, acrylic, oils, sculpture, fabric transfer, foam clay, audio, canvas, 2024


A Pathology , Acrylic on canvas, 2024


Projects and exhibitions


Issue 50 - Literary Muse

10/07/2024 — ongoing

An online zine exploring artistic dialogues influenced by literature. My piece 'Blessed Be', inspired by Margaret Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale' was hosted online on their website.

Haus-a-rest.com Details

Uncanny for Gaza

05/07/2024 — ongoing

An uncanny exhibition in support of the Gaza Emergency Appeal. My piece ‘Skin the Fool’ was hosted online on their website.

Phantasmal Gallery Website Details


18/06/2024 — 23/06/2024

My piece 'A pathology was submitted and displayed as part of 'Muse'.

Fox Yard Studio, Stowmarket Details
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Arts vacancyCommissionCompetitionContemporary art fairExhibitionMentoringOpen studiosParticipatory projectResidencyStudio spacesWorkshop
Art writingCollageDrawingInstallationPaintingSculptureSoundText
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