Louise Heller Norfolk, United Kingdom
I am a British fine artist who studied art in Sweden. I knew I wanted to be a painter since I was a child. I have been fortunate enough to havelived in many places around the globe. Living in countries like Kenya and East Africa have certianly influneced my use of colour and immediacy with brushtrokes. Painting brings me great joy, and is the best way I can express myself.
I normally mix my own colours. I have the 3 primary colours and then black and white: from these I can make any colours I desire. Each panitning is normally the result of building up layer upon layer. It is a long process. I do not draw on the canvas, but start painting right away. If I am not happy, I paint over everything and start again. It is quite a gruelling process, but chaos comes before order, and so when I reach a difficult moment, my inner voice tells me to move onto another painting, and look back again at what I have done the next day. I like to use as much natural light as possible. Norfolk is now my home and so I have painted a range of paintings which are Norwich/Norfolk based. At the moment I am working on a series of coastal pictures. This entails talking long walks on the cliffs on the north Norfoklk coast and taking it all in. Some time in the future I would like to return to the theme of symbols, and reflect my mixed roots.