Karen Williams Greater London, United Kingdom
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I’m interested in the subtle communication of the environmental impact that humans have on our planet especially animals and water. Eg. Octopus Using everyday materials ‘found objects’ mixing them with other created and live materials such as ceramics & real Bee’s. I plan to sculpt ‘The energetic quality of Water’ I trust that if my attention is on a ‘matter the matter energetically changes.

Projects and exhibitions


Technology v ecology

14/10/2023 — 16/10/2023

Exhibition of my Bee sculpture

Brompton chaple, London Details
Interested in
CommissionContemporary art fairExhibitionParticipatory projectResidencyStudio spacesVolunteeringWorkshop
CeramicsDrawingFilm / VideoInstallationPaintingPhotographyPrintmakingSculptureSocially Engaged PracticeSound
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