Lauren C Naylor South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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My textiles art is a playful burst of vibrancy, carrying a potent message about humanity and the fragility of the environment. Through techniques like hand-dyeing, beading, and intricate embroidery, I weave a colorful narrative that invites reflection on our world's delicate state.

My artistic practice, rooted in contemporary textiles, seamlessly blends traditional techniques with a modern aesthetic. Armed with a foundation in Fashion and Textiles and further sculpted by a Master's in Accessories Design, I draw inspiration from the cultural tapestries of Africa, India, and Mexico. Engaging in the mindful artistry of slow stitching, I utilize specialist hand-dyeing, screen printing, applique, batik, hand-embroidery, and beading techniques.

Beyond the visual allure, my art reflects a deep connection to heritage, weaving in traditional embroidery techniques passed down through generations. Sustainability is integral to my practice, often incorporating reclaimed materials to convey a powerful environmental message. Exhibiting in prominent galleries, including recent shows like 'The Fronteer Open 2023,' 'Urban Jungle,' 'Ruby,' and 'A Sense Of Space,' my work serves as a visual celebration of nature's beauty and a plea for planet protection.

Notably, my artistic journey extends beyond academia, as I've gained a wealth of experience working with vulnerable individuals. As a creative educator, I've fostered inclusivity and empowerment through the transformative power of art. This aspect adds a profound layer to my practice, influencing not just the art I create but also the purpose behind it. Open to challenges and collaborations, I actively seek opportunities to explore new artistic horizons while continually advocating for the vulnerable through my creative endeavors.


'Liberation', Textile, 2024, £750


For sale

'Fragility 2', Textile, 2024, £750

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For sale

'Botanic Harmony', Textile, 2023, £375

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For sale

'Fragility', Textiles, 2022, £750


' Centre of the Universe', Textiles, 2023, £500

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For sale

'A Relic Revered', Textiles, 2023, £750

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For sale

'Threaded Memories', Textiles, 2023, £375


'Tree of Life', Textile, 2022, £350

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For sale

'Family Tree', Textile and wood, 2024, £450


Projects and exhibitions


'Signs of Spring'

17/02/2024 — ongoing

To celebrate spring, the Kreiva Art Gallery in Bridlington on the East coast is curating a group exhibition titled 'Signs of Spring'. I will be exhibiting two of my pieces within this exhibition and you can look forward to seeing examples of my hand batik and screen-printing techniques, as well as hand-embroidery and beading work. As a group...

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The Krevia Art Gallery, Bridlington Details

'Meet the Locals'

31/01/2024 — ongoing

A group based exhibition celebrating the local artists of Sheffield and South Yorkshire. My piece, 'Threaded Memories' will be exhibited.

The Fronteer Art Gallery, Sheffield Details

'A Sense of Space'

18/06/2022 — 26/06/2022

The Art Through Textiles Group. A Group exhibition featuring contemporary 2D & 3D textiles artwork. My pieces, 'Fragility' and 'Tree of Life' where exhibited.

The Art Room, Barlow Details

'The Fronteer Open 2023'

01/11/0023 — 18/11/0023

Art Prize and group exhibition. I exhibited my piece, 'A Relic Revered'

The Fronteer Art Gallery, Sheffield Details

'Nether Edge Festival and Art Trail'


'Nether Edge Festival Art Trail', celebrating art made by local artists. A group exhibition by Art Through Textiles, I exhibited my artwork, clothing and accessories within the beautiful gardens alongside other local artists.

Rye Road, Nether Edge, S7, Sheffield Details


27/05/0023 — 04/06/0023

The Art Through Textiles Group, 40th anniversary. A group exhibition featuring 2D & 3D contemporary textiles. My piece 'Centre of the Universe' was exhibited.

The Art Room, Barlow Details

'Urban Jungle'

25/05/0023 — 10/06/0023

A group exhibition featuring over 45 UK based artists, all looking at the urban environment. My piece, 'Fragility' was exhibited.

The Fronteer Art Gallery, Sheffield Details
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