Madeline Andrew North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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I am an emerging textile artist working with experimental eco-printing and cyanotype. A scientist by previous trade, I am currently studying for FdA degree in Textiles Practice at Bradford Art School. I am drawn to the overlap of science and nature with creativity, with production of serendipitous outcomes featuring botanical imagery using real plants and their pigments.

Experimenting with leaves and natural pigments is a fascination I have been developing over the last couple of years. Working with light and cyanotype dyes, I produce one of a kind pieces on fabric, paper, ceramic and leather which depict foliage and take texture from the natural additives used in the exposure process. Eco-prints (or botanical contact prints) are produced by extraction of tannins in-situ from the gathered leaves and their reaction with iron using an age old method. The interaction with nature has become part my process and it directs the serendipitous outcomes of my work, producing unique prints. I sometimes merge these processes together as mixed media artworks or allow them to stand alone in their own simplicity without further manipulation. I believe in useful art and re-love of objects so use my fabrics to upcycle lampshades, funiture and clothing and rescue textiles that would otherwise go to waste.


Autumn Tantrum, Paper Ecoprint, 2023, £160


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