Peter Heaton United Kingdom
BA (Hons) in Fine Art , Nottingham Trent University, and an M.A. in Fine Art from Leeds Metropolitan University. Image maker, musician, always concerned with what has been termed 'Spirit of Place'. The British landscape is a constant source of visual and aural inspiration, and I spend a lot of time out there in it...
Whether working with images or sound I am always driven to create something that has resonance and feeling. This can manifest it self in complex detailed, layered images and sound pieces, or simpler balanced harmonious compositions with internal space.
'Peter takes subjects and through the camera lens they become haunting and magical and stay in the mind. Images that need careful time and observation, as the space they inhabit is full of visual surprises. Photographs that transcend technique (although Important) into strong and powerful visual art forms'.
John Sprakes RBA ROI
I have continued to exhibit widely since 1987, my work being featured in many publications and on both BBC and ITV Television. I have work in private collections in Europe and America.