Nicky Cure Artmaker Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Artist, multimedia, cross disciplinary, process hacker, intuitively following the process, expecting the unexpected, looking for the unknown.
I am a process hacker. The things I make are a result of me trampling across disciplines and conventions, cobbling together materials and processes and actively looking for something new. You could say I purposely set up the conditions for discovery. I seek the unknown and I absolutely trust my own process of exploration. The 'not knowing' part is very important. I either need to not know what will happen, or to not know how it will happen. The moment I have mastered an unruly process it becomes predictable and less interesting. That's the moment I leave it for a while and find something else to pique my curiosity. That something could be anything, anything at all, but if that thing comes with instructions then those instructions get largely ignored because they tell me what will happen...and I don't want to know that. Following instructions removes other possibilities. Among my favourite materials and tools are audio/video tape, packing tape, cardboard, fax paper and fire, lighting gels, found diagrams, drawing toys such as etch-a-sketch and spirograph, digital imaging platforms, wet photography chemicals as well as conventional painting and drawing materials.