Notes to Treasure - Kristin V G Bailey United Kingdom
Hi my name's Kristin... I'm a mixed media artist living & working in Ely, Cambridgeshire. As a self-confessed 'Art-Tart' I have worked with too many media to mention over my years of making, creating & painting. Whilst I don't have any formal training, I have honed my skills over some 25 years.
I've been exploring different media & have come to a love of mixed media with an abstract intuitive approach. It quenches my need for variety and I do love to throw the rule book out so I can explore with freedom.
Intuitive Art...
Because I have a strong faith in God, I use my painting as a time to worship using colour.
Most often I have a particular scripture in mind, which I meditate on while I sing along to music & paint.
You don't have to believe what I believe, my simple hope is that the energy I experience, whether a lament or bursting with joy, that it is evident through it's combined connection within my finished work.
I share my practice every Sunday morning at my local church, Lighthouse Church, Ely
If you are local, or visiting the city on a Sunday, do come along to our service which starts at 10am. We are a friendly bunch & would love to meet you. Don't forget to come & say 'Hi' - I'll be the one at the back, covered in paint!
Alongside my Intuitive Abstract work, my practise also includes contemporary landscapes. Living in North Cambridgeshire Fens, I'm surrounded by the most beautiful skydcapes & fields, which may seem incredibly flat but hide a simplicity of shapes & angles which I seek to portray.