Paula Armstrong Ceramics Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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I'm a ceramic sculptor who loves clay. The infinite possibilities of clay as a medium appeals to my need to constantly evolve my work as well as my love of learning and challenging myself. I love trying new techniques and pushing the boundaries with much of my work now single fired. Teaching adds another layer to that as I run a membership, classes and workshops from my Cambridgeshire studio.

My largely abstract works combine the materiality of the medium with concepts of how we as humans become, our potential and how we then interact with others. I'm interested in individual autonomy and the worlds we build for ourselves, often largely hidden away, and how we then interact, express and share elements of these outside of our boundaries with other people but also the environment and the world itself.

I use clay to both explore this idea and to share my internal world and individual perspectives with viewers. I invite people to look closer, to see new things each time they look and to question why some things are beautiful while some other things create an almost instinctual revulsion although often only for some people. The natural forms seem to play on built-in phobias and trigger survival instincts in some viewers while others find great appeal in the unusual shapes and textures.


Potential Inside - spikes small, Ceramic, 2022, £200

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Potential Inside- fungi, Ceramic, 2022, £450


Potential Inside - leaves, Ceramic, 2021, £550

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Potential Inside - large green, Ceramic, 2019, £1,500

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Projects and exhibitions


Ceramic mural for Middlefield Primary School

01/05/2020 — 30/09/2021

The largest mural project I've undertaken this ceramic tile mural was over 4m wide and 2m tall made from over 400 individual tiles. The mural design was based on the tree variety class names and the schools motto. I then went into the school and ran workshops so that each pupil at the school made at least one tile. I returned the tiles to the...

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