Adele Frae North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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I work producing authentic artworks in paintings and textile sculpture. I have exhibited both solo and as a participant, winning awards for innovation, judgrs choice and peoples choice. I'm passionate about art being accessible to as many as possible and not only the elite. I explore new aspects to incorporate into my work; e.g developing a lexicon for Ravens.

My focus is on the earthly elements and how we understand or notice such a small section. I bring attention to the beauty that surrounds us; from creating dandelion sculpture, exploring limestone formation, phonetics of birdlife into a lexicon of marks to use within my art. I create textile sculpture that expresses the subject as though born from the earth and its environment. Textire is fundamental to my artwork and layers of narrative and meaning. Provoking thought and curiosityand hopefully a deeper appreciation of what is truly the joys available to us all.

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Art Walk/TrailCompetitionExhibitionJournal/PublicationMentoringOpen studios
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