Rachel Rimell North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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Rachel Rimell is a photographic artist based in North Yorkshire exploring the transience of human experience and place against the backdrop of an interconnected landscape. Her work is informed by notions of the inner self and the outer persona and the invisible threshold between the two and kinship with the ‘out there’ beyond the confines of the human body.

I am a photographic and lens-based artist exploring themes of the transience of human experience, identity and liminal spaces against a backdrop of an interconnected landscape. My work is informed by notions of the inner self and our persona and the invisible threshold between the two - how our identity informs and impacts on our perception of the world and the way in which we present ourselves within it. In particular I am interested in how we connect to the world around us beyond the confines of the physical body and the kinship - or converse the disconnect - we feel unrelating to our environment. My work is underpinned by the impact of internal perception, memory, time and nostalgia on our perception of the world around us.

My practice undertakes a conceptual, experimental and process-led approach that incorporates digital and experimental analogue photographic techniques alongside performance, moving image and sound often culminating in a multi-media installation formulated around bodies of work.

Alongside my personal practice, I am one half of a the creative partnership duo Limen publishing zines that explore human connection to liminal spaces, and I am also a commercial documentary photographer and filmmaker undertaking commissions.


Terra Incognita, multi-media - photography & video, 2024


Fragments, Artists book, 2022, 85


Lies A calm Along The Deep, moving image and print stills, 2022


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