Julie Leggett Art Derbyshire, United Kingdom
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Julie lives in the beautiful historic village of Bonsall on the edge of the peak district and works with mixed media incorporating paint, collage and textiles. Working in sketch books influences her work, nature, birds, flowers, iconic images and interior scenes all feature in her work. Layering substrates in her chosen media and themes, Julies work is often surreal and semi abstract

Julie works into sketchbooks and uses the images that are produced to inspire her work. Layers on top of layers with paint and collage cover her substrates to expose sureal and semi abstract works.

Textiles and stitching has become Julies newest addition to her work and creativity, with exploration in subjects, materials and techniques. Julie uses found materials in her work, supporting sustainability in what she produces.

Julies sketching covers subjects following shapes and patterns of what she observes and are not usually to scale - leading to drawings of objects observed demonstrated as bigger or smaller as she aesthetically puts together her art piece. Mark making is also an important part of art for Julie and she enjoys expressing this in all media.

Julie exhibits regularly at art trails and shows , concentrating on those around Derbyshire and surrounding areas. Most recently Melbourne, Belper, Bonsall, The Harley Gallery and the knitting and stitching show in Harrogate, where she is a member of a stitching collective based in Scarborough. The stitching collective allows Julie to take part in collective work for exhibitions.

Julie is most happy when she is playing with a selection of media and each year she focuses and shifts subject and media with her recent inspirtations and experiences.

Workshops are a new addition to Julie's creative outlet, these include workshops in all media, you can find Julie's workshops and events listed on her website @ https://www.julieleggettart.com/


Julie Leggett Art, 2022/3


Projects and exhibitions


Belper Art Trail

30/04/2023 — 01/05/2023

I have exhibited at Belper Art Trail for three years at different venues.

Belper Details

The Old Lockup Gallery secret postcard show

18/08/2022 — 01/10/2022

Each year the Old Lock up Gallery in Cromford Matlock hosts a secret postcard show. Artists can submit up to six postcards which are sold anonymously, this raised money to keep the gallery open. It also gives the opportunity for artists to get their work out their. Anyone can enter and show. The show runs for two months

Cromford annual event, Cromford in Matlock Details

Bonsall Art Trail

18/06/2022 — 19/06/2022

A new event on the map for Derbyshire. A great event in a quirky historic village, fabulous artists showing their art, workshops available. Good footfall / attendance and good sales over the weekend

Residents home, Bonsall in Matlock on the edge of the peak district Details

Harley Gallery

01/07/2020 — 03/11/2020

Selected for the Harley Open in 2020 - exhibiting one piece of collaged semi abstract art for 3 months. A great show with a wide selection of art in all media.

Wellbeck in Nottingham, Nottingham Details

Untangled Threads Collective stitch Group

01/08/2019 — ongoing

A stitch collective that I joined in 2018/19 to complete a stitch book and learn new techniques and practice. There was an exhibiton of the stitchbooks at Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show in November 2021 of which I was part of.

Scarborough, Scarboroush in Yorkshire Details

Melbourne Art Trail

17/09/0022 — 18/09/0022

Art and Archicture Trail and festival which I have exhibited at over the last three years in various venues

Melbourne in Derbyshire Details
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Art Walk/TrailArtist book fairCommissionCompetitionContemporary art fairDesigner/maker fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationOpen studiosParticipatory projectWorkshop
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