Isobel Richards West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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I am a painter born and raised in the heart of Cumbria and currently based in West Yorkshire. I am enthusiastic about eduction, particularly art education and provision, and being outside. My practice is rooted in these two passions as well as a love of experimentation and play. I like to apply my painterly thought processes to exploring new medias and ideas, always aiming to create new ecologies.

My practice is process based, and walking defines it; it is it’s root and it’s main body. Through the physical involvement of walking I integrate myself in place and land, interweaving with nature. Walking allows me to explore and create ecologies, though it is important to note that there is no specific system to my walks. They range from what could be described as commutes to intentional walks for the sake of walking. Walking is the artwork, one walk is one work. The responses to my walks that can be seen as ‘artwork’ are responses to my walks, investigations into the ecologies of marks made in response to or representation of a walk. The rhythm of placing one foot in front of the other over and over again, and the movement and process of walking all directly influence what I then make and exhibit. Experimentation and play are essential to the development of my practice, and sit at the heart of all walks. Though a painter, my practice is multidisciplinary, incorporating painting, drawing, text-based, and photography; with more recent aspirations in exploring sculptural and auditory ways of working.


Walks around Woodhouse Moor and St. George's Field, mono print on paper, 2023


Mud, Oil on canvas, 2023


St. Aidan's Nature Reserve (24th May 2024), Watercolour, chalk, charcoal, photograph, 2024


New Ecologies, Ink on paper, 2024


Projects and exhibitions


What's in your Freezer?

04/04/2024 — 06/04/2024

Patrick Studios, Leeds Details

Isobel Richards at SoFar Sounds


St. George's Church, Leeds Details

What's in your Fridge?

13/03/2024 — 17/03/2024

Project Space, University of Leeds, Leeds Details

Against the Grain

29/06/2023 — 03/07/2023

The Truman Brewery, London Details

Against the Grain

19/06/2023 — 24/06/2023

Leeds Arts University, Leeds Details


08/12/2022 — 11/12/2022

Assembly House, Leeds Details

Explore and Evolve

21/12/2019 — 22/12/2019

The Ladyholme Centre, Bowness-on-Windermere Details
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DrawingInstallationPaintingPhotographyPrintmakingProjectionSculptureSocially Engaged PracticeSoundText
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