Connor McIntyre Devon, United Kingdom
Painter. Director , Alamo Studio , Plymouth , Devon, Masters Degree, Painting, University of Plymouth, UK 2015 First Class Honours Fine Art, University of Plymouth, UK 2012
My painting practice draws its impetus from my interest around issues such as climate, human augmentation, biodiversity, and the eventual dominance of artificial intelligence over our species. The reference to the ‘systematic’ within my paintings may be separated by some decades from the work of Peter Halley for example (b 1953 ) and the implications of what Halley describes as ‘non organic systems interconnected by the matrix that covers all of modern living’. Halley’s concerns seem light years away from our present day reality with all of its fluid cartographies, representing new configurations and new possibilities. In the studio, I take my cue from chance events, that may happen materially ( ie: an accidental marking on a surface ) aurally or visually. Once alerted to ‘something’ I work extremely quickly, and materially, I will use whatever is to hand. The resulting palimpsest speaks for me of data flows, mobility, flux , multiplicities , encoding, and the rhizomatic character of our species current predicaments.
Connor McIntyre 2023