Xinyu Liu London, United Kingdom
Xinyu Liu is a multimedia artist born in Beijing and based in London. Working across sound, video, installation, animation, printmaking, graphic design, and text, her works investigate how technology and social media influence our daily lives and how they reconstruct the world in this post-truth era.
I aim to explore how digital tech and social media shape our thinking and examine the consequences of this transformation that arises for users as information and communication technologies become increasingly convenient. I oriented my practice around time-based media, encouraging the audience to reconsider how we interpret messages and information from mass media, how technology relates to us, and how we can use it better.
Attention is a scarce commodity in the digital age. As we are inundated with vast amounts of information online every day, digital platforms and media have entered a race to capture our limited attention through various means. It has led to cognitive fatigue and the viral spread of misinformation and sensationalist content. My recent series of works examines marketing ethics and media literacy from the perspectives of advertising and journalism.