Lyn Kirkland Dorset, United Kingdom
Exploring the exciting properties of encaustic beeswax has been my passion for several years. First used by Ancient Egyptians as a painting medium, it saw a resurgence last century and has continued to flourish. Still relatively unknown in Europe, but once discovered, never forgotten. When I first took up my brush and dipped it into molten wax and pigment I knew I was hooked!
My early visual experimentation centered on the merging of medical science and art as a response to the personal experience of my youngest son’s Bone Marrow Transplant. I rejoined Art Academia in 2012 to expand my knowledge and expertise in a variety of mediums, latterly specialising in encaustic wax and damar resin painting and wax casting. I have continued my work with encaustic wax, pushing the boundaries to incorporate wax casting, mixed media and encaustic collograph. My work is very much process driven. I am intent on pushing the medium as much as I can to develop texture, create a narrative with collaged items, and explore the translucence of this ancient medium. I move between abstraction and realism. I work with this medium, taking my lead from its organic nature. The way it describes movement, colour and marks both within and on the surface is so exciting. I have been teaching and promoting encaustic wax for over ten years, working from my Studio space at St George’s Studios on Portland, Dorset. I am a member of the International Encaustic Artists group and community arts organisation Artwey CIC, and have exhibited my work across the South West.