Demeter Dykes Dorset, United Kingdom
I live and work in Dorset. My practice revolves around making with materials that are intrinsic to my everyday life. and short video works. The act of making is devotional and mostly at odds with the banality of the material which can be anything from old, shredded bills to empty tea bags. The images are absurd and playful and have a performative aspect.
There are various strands to my practice. Waste , mostly paper based, is handled and manipulated to reveal a potential that reaches so much further than its humble origins suggest. Gentle humour and a sense of non-sense interweave with the attention to details of surface, line and texture. Futility, hope and joy are inseparable in the work.
Installation works are large scale, waste paper based and experiential for the audience.
Video works are made quickly and with what is to hand. The motivation is still in the realms of absurdity and nonsense whilst being responsive to events happening in my life and beyond. The playful approach is reflected in the combination of 'dressing up' and the photographic images being drawn into digitally. It is important to me that they have an element of humour about them.