Frea Buckler Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Frea Buckler is an abstract artist, working in painting, sculpture and installation, including projects in the public realm.
Frea Buckler is an abstract artist, working in painting, sculpture and installation, including projects in the public realm. Her approach is rooted in a deliberate embrace of uncertainty. She begins her work by intentionally working quickly, or with unfamiliar materials causing imperfections. This generates problems that she then seeks to resolve, through a process of experimentation and iteration. She aims to create objects where the initial mistakes have been rectified or at least brought to a state where she feels they are visually articulate and coherent.
Her works emerge from an open engagement with the materials in front of her, many of which have been salvaged from the fabrication workshops around her studio, adding to the unpredictability of her process. She is open to the material’s innate possibilities, which include an enquiry into surface, texture, edges, space, colour and form. She asks herself questions about, finish, craftsmanship and skill. She constructs and deconstructs her works responsively, replicating and reworking motifs and materials until she is satisfied with their outcome, the traces of this process remain visible.
Buckler takes inspiration from colour and geometry in nature, urban and domestic environments. Her work considers how we relate to, occupy or move through these spaces and interact them. She is particularly interested in how people order, stack, and tidy discarded or unused materials, improvised solutions with available materials and where colours in nature meet colours in the fabric of the human-built environment.
Her works explore precariousness, temporality, beauty and order via the process of making, the interaction of colour and the impetus of the subconscious.