Andrew Harris Somerset, United Kingdom
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Artist and Freelance Arts Coordinator. Co-founder of Artists First, Signs of Art, Firebird Theatre and founder of CoCreate.

As an artist I make wall pieces that are geometric in form and mnemonic in concept. I work with construction cardboard and wood. I also produce 'altered' photos, via photocopying and overdrawing on self produced and found photographs.

As an Arts Coordinator I have worked for many years in Deaf and Disability Arts, having co-founded several ground breaking groups and worked on many ground breaking projects. Having recently returned to the development of my own work and practise I am just begin to delve into a rich 'back catalogue' of sketch books, photos, writings, memories and unrealised ideas. As my career supporting and promoting the art of others draws to a close the exciting reality of 'Returning' to being an artist fuels my creative desires to once again step into the light.


The Envious Push (Detail), Acrylic on Plywood, 2020


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