Matthew Turner Leicestershire, United Kingdom
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My work explores the relationship between science and art. I visited the Moscow Museum of Cosmonautics and I was inspired to paint. Struck by the huge space hardware, it seemed to me that space exploration represented the most positive aspects of humanity. Great achievements are only made possible by the collaboration of skilled, knowledgeable people working together towards a common goal.

Winner of the 2024 NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Program “Imagine Tomorrow” design prize for my Evacuated (Vacuum) Airship concept design for Martian surface exploration.

Rockets, Ray guns and The Race for Space

I first saw the Vostok rocket in 1995; I was living and studying Art in Moscow. I was told about the Cosmonaut Museum and Rocket by a friend. I set out on the Metro on a crisp cold Russian winter’s day. When I first saw it, I couldn’t believe my eyes. A real Russian rocket! There were all sorts of feelings at that moment.

Standing there excited, in awe, overwhelmed by power, scale and raw materials, I felt small.

There was a sense of anticipation; I was below, looking up in awe at this machinery, man-made creations, inexplicable technology and engineering. They are rockets, but how much energy must they need to get this thing off the ground!? Am I standing on the launch pad, is this a dangerous place? That makes me feel a little uneasy. These colours make it look old. Decommissioned apparatus from a bygone space programme, left to rust. It actually made me feel calm, it has a lot of still weight.

And yet space exploration represents the most positive aspects of humanity: skill, intelligence, ingenuity, bravery, and teamwork. The greatest human achievements are only made possible by the collaboration of skilled, knowledgeable people working together towards a common goal. These paintings, for me, represent possibility and hope.

22 years later I found myself looking up at that rocket again and the feelings returned. I had to paint it. I had returned to Moscow and was struck by the sight of the rocket again.

I am a UK-based artist and I have always had a passion for space travel, exploration, the outdoors and adventure. I studied for a Fine Art painting degree in the 1990s and had an opportunity to study at the Moscow Institute of Architecture (The Marhi) at that time. The experience was very influential to me and my artwork and in particular the time I spent at the Moscow Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics. The technology struck me, the art and the symbolism. I went on to explore my own use of symbolism and abstract forms in my painting. I am also influenced by Cold War space race propaganda and Retro Sci-fi art.

Over the last 20 years, I have taken every opportunity to travel and explore. I cycled across America, Iceland and Europe and mountain biked in the Andes and the Amazon. I have also ridden my motorcycle to the Arctic, all in the name of personal exploration, adventure and inspiration.

I have been working on themes of space exploration and optimism. As well as Moscow, I also visited the Kennedy Space Centre to research visual sources for art that I am working on at present and most of the work is based on drawings and photos taken from primary sources at Kennedy and in Russia. While at Kennedy, I was lucky enough to be present during the launch of a Space X Falcon, the experience of the raw power and energy inspired me and I try to convey that in my painting, the anticipation of a huge release of power, and an event waiting to happen.

In April 2022 I was honoured to be asked to exhibit my work at the Legends of Space live show in Lausanne, Switzerland. In association with NASA and Lockheed Martin. I took part as the resident artist, I was there as the “A” in STEAM. I was fortunate to meet Apollo Legends, Charlie Duke, Dave Scott and Gerry Griffin, along with Bertram Ulrich of the NASA art/ multi-media program.

I have worked as a secondary and Post 16 Art teacher for 22 years and during that time have developed key parts of the curriculum such as space art projects, spacecraft design and perspective drawing techniques. I found that art was an excellent way to get students interested and curious about space science, and a great way that art, design and science could come together in education.

My intention as an artist is to work in the great tradition of Artists in the NASA Art Program and Soviet Cosmic School artist. To promote, educate and inspire people to the possibilities and achievements of space science from the past, present and into the future. I hope to continue to work with space science organisations on future projects to perhaps, re-establish links between art and science, to inspire and promote scientific exploration.

Last year I organised and co-curated an art exhibition at Leicester’s Space Park. Space: Science and Nature took place during International Space Week. Along with organising and curating the exhibition I delivered school workshops and activities throughout the week.

I am an elected artist member of the International Association of Astronomical Artists.

I was recently awarded funding from Arts Council England to visit Kennedy Space Centre and meet with the curators, astronauts and artists from the NASA Art Program, develop my creative practice and deliver STEAM workshops in the East Midlands.

My work is currently being exhibited at Firstsite in Colchester and Space Park Leicester.


Little Joe, 2024



Saturn V s2, 2023



VDNKh, 2018



Concept designs for Artemis Live Event, 2023


Concept designs for Artemis Live Event, 2023


Rocket Garden at KSC sketch, 2024


Rocket Garden at KSC sketch, 2024


Rocket Garden at KSC sketch, 2024


To the Stars!, Mixed Media on paper, 2018, £250.00



Vostok 1A, Acrylic on canvas, 2025, £800.00



Mercury Imaging X-ray spectrometer MIXS, Mixed Media on paper, 2024, £450.00



The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE), 2024



Vostok 1, Acrylic on canvas, 2021, £750.00



Bill Anders, Mixed Media on paper, 2023, £200.00


For sale

Ellen Ochoa, Mixed Media on paper, 2023, £250.00


For sale

Saturn V, Acrylic on canvas, 2022, £750.00



Saturn V Hall at KSC , Mixed media on paper, 2024, £750.00



Launch and Entry Pressure suit at JSC , Oil and Acrylic on canvas, 2024, £750.00


For sale

Saturn V S-II at KSC , Mixed media on paper, 2024, £450.00


For sale

Christina Koch , Mixed media on paper, 2024, £200.00


For sale

Claustrophobia , Mixed media on paper, 2024, £400.00


For sale

Saturn V Hall at KSC , 2020, £850.00



Atlantis at KSC , Mixed media on paper, 2024, £350.00



Atlantis at KSC , 2024, £400.00


For sale

Cosmonaut Survival kit, Mixed media on paper, 2017, £450.00


For sale

Yuri, Mixed media on paper, 2017, £450.00


For sale

Litton Industries, Inc, Experimental Space suit , Mixed media on paper, 2024, £450.00



Saturn V Hall at KSC , Oil and Acrylic on canvas, 2018, £750.00


For sale

Vostok 1, 2017, £450.00


For sale

Post Soviet Futurism, 2018, £1000.00



Mission Manual, Oil and Acrylic on canvas, 2020, £750.00


For sale

M_MATISSE , Mixed Media on paper, 2024, £250.00



The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) on the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) 2, Mixed Media on paper, 2024, £450.00



Ariane-6 Launch from French Guiana , Oil and Acrylic on canvas, 2024, £750.00



Projects and exhibitions


Private commission

08/01/2025 — 28/01/2025

N/A, N/A Details

The Royal Cambrian Academy of Arts Open exhibition 2025

04/01/2025 — ongoing

The Royal Cambrian Academy's annual Open Exhibition invites artists from across the UK to share their creativity and talent. Each year, we receive an incredible array of entries spanning painting, drawing, print, photography, textiles, sculpture, and film.

This exhibition showcases the breadth and diversity of contemporary art, celebrating...

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Royal Cambrian Academy Crown Lane, Conwy, UK LL32 8AN, Conwy Details

Concept designs for Spacelive Live Event Australia

04/01/2025 — ongoing

Sydney, Sydney, Australia Details

Pukaar Magazine article

18/10/2024 — ongoing

Magazine Article

Leicester, Leicester Details

Luna Lullabies

30/09/2024 — ongoing

• May to Oct 2024: Exhibited in the Lunar Lullabies show at Firstsite Contemporary Gallery in Colchester along with other members of the IAAA and Grayson Perry.

Firtsite Gallery, Colchester Details


30/09/2024 — ongoing

(Space week) through to December: Space park Leicester, one man exhibition of work inspired by both my research trip to NASA and projects at Space Park Leicester. This work is ongoing and includes designs based on the new Heavy Launch Systems such as SLS, Falcon Heavy and Ariane 6. I am also creating designs based on the concepts for the...

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Space Park, Leicester Details

The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program, 2024 NASA Space Tech Art Challenge: Imagine Tomorrow

01/05/2024 — 09/05/2024

• Winner of the 2024 NASA Space Tech Art Challenge: Imagine Tomorrow, selected out of 480 Artists and designers from 39 countries. My winning design was a concept for an Evacuated (Vacuum) airship for Martian surface exploration. Space technology might look a bit different decades from now. The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program...

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Guest of the NASA art program

08/02/2024 — 22/02/2024

Research trip to NASA funded by the Arts council England As part of my Arts council England supported project I visited NASA Facilities at both Kennedy Space Centre and Johnson Space Centre from the 21st Feb through to 2nd March 2024. I have some contacts at NASA through previous work as an artist in residence and as an elected member of the...

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KSC and JSC, Cape Canaveral and Houston Details

Oppenheim John-Downes Memorial Trust fund


The Oppenheim-John Downes Memorial Trust provides small scale grants to British artists, designers, writers and performers over the age of 30 who are experiencing financial difficulties in the pursuit of their careers.

The Trust was established under the will of Mrs Geraldine Elsie Downes on her death in December 1969. Mrs Downes named the...

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N/A, N/A Details

Concept designs for Artemis Live Event


n/a Details

Art Cabbage Article

22/10/2023 — ongoing

Online, online Details

Art By Artists Podcast

23/07/2023 — ongoing

youtube, online Details

2nd place in PackSend Uk specialist Art transport, Art of the year competion 2023.

01/01/2023 — 01/01/2024

Online Details

Space: Science and Nature

05/10/2022 — 15/10/2022

I organised and co-curated an art exhibition at Leicester’s Space Park. Space: Science and Nature took place during International Space Week. Along with organising and curating the exhibition I delivered school workshops and activities throughout the week.

Leicester’s Space Park, Leicester Details

Legends of Space (Artist in Residence)

18/03/2022 — 19/03/2022

In April 2022 I was honoured to be asked to exhibit my work at the Legends of Space live show in Lausanne, Switzerland. In association with NASA and Lockheed Martin. I took part as the resident artist, I was there as the “A” in STEAM. I was fortunate to meet Apollo Legends, Charlie Duke, Dave Scott and Gerry Griffin, along with Bertram...

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SwissTech Convention Center in Lausanne, Switzerland, Lausanne Details

Developing your creative practice grant (DYCP)

18/03/2022 — 09/05/2024

n/a Details

Poster designs for Legends of Space


SwissTech Convention Center in Lausanne, Switzerland, Lausanne Details

Private commission


N/A, N/A Details

Private commission


N/A, N/A Details

Harley Open

01/09/2020 — 30/09/2020

Harley Gallery Details
Interested in
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