Noémie Soula South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Noémie Soula (France/UK) is an artist and researcher using storytelling and craft as creative tools to explore biotechnologies, genetics, and the relationship between humans and non-humans. Playing with the visceral and the liminality between reality and fiction, the created artworks, physical or digital, act as uncanny events to stimulate the audience’s imagination.
My practice is material-driven, inquisitive and interdisciplinary, interweaving life sciences, storytelling, and craft. I use storytelling as a creative tool to extrapolate current scientific research and engage the audience. I give tangibility to concepts by sculpting and combining the final 3D artefact with photography and video. The artefacts become a space for conversation where the audience can experience, imagine and learn together. I use techniques similar to make-up artists to create body parts and organs. I first sculpt the volume in oil clay, then create the moulds in plaster to cast silicone in. I finally colour and add textures to the final casted pieces.

Projects and exhibitions
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NOT NATURAL - Mythical Living Data17/02/2024 — ongoing Explore the growing friction between natural and artificial systems. Species de-extinction and creating chimera creatures could soon become a reality with developments in synthetic biology. With increasing control over nature, humans have opened a plethora of possibility and a pandoras box of ethical dilemmas. When faced with the difficulty... [Read more] |
Science Gallery Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia | Details |
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NO BOUNDS - Mythical Living Data14/10/2022 — 16/10/2022 A mythical & visceral installation in the iconic Moore St substation to investigate how our polluted environment can interact with our DNA. |
Moore St Electric Sub-Station, Sheffield | Details |
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EPIDERMOTOPIA - Raw/à vif10/09/2021 — 26/09/2021 Group exhibition of Raw/à vif at Platform gallery in Paris, along side 11 female artists. Curated by Collect.ives, a female-only curation group. |
Platform, Paris | Details |
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SOLO SHOW, Raw/à vif curated by UNBORE06/02/2020 — 11/02/2020 Growing advancements in biotechnologies like gene-editing and tissue-engineering are transforming the face of medicine, while also challenging our current bioethical and legal landscapes. Many scientists are pushing the boundaries of possibility and pursuing the quest for improving humankind. Experiments with biotechnology question and... [Read more] |
Giudecca Art District, Space 01, Venice, Italy | Details |