Richard Kitchen North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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I am a visual artist based in York, UK. Formerly a teacher of literature & drama in the UK and Spain, I was awarded an MA in Fine Art in 2020 and went on to co-manage a community gallery and studio at 23 Piccadilly. I'm a co-founder of NAVIGATORS ART, a York-based collective of artists, writers, musicians and performers. I'm also a freelance editor & proofreader. Enquiries & commissions welcome.

My cross-disciplinary practice embraces paper and photo collage, drawing and painting, sculpture, installation, poetry and performance. My work is influenced by the effect of time and nature (and people) on the environment. I support the recycling and repurposing of materials and much of my art makes new connections between disparate sources, often finding beauty in the unloved and the discarded. I'm interested in exploring text as a visual as well as a verbal medium. I experiment with both analogue and digital techniques, often in dialogue with each other. I'm grateful to have had work (visual and verbal) accepted for actual and online exhibitions and publications.

NAVIGATORS ART is a fluid collective of local artists and other creatives originally set up in 2019. We engage with community projects to enhance and interpret their work for a wider public. We also mentor young and emerging artists, and we encourage enquiries from potential collaborators: particularly those who are less established or underrepresented and have no regular platform for displaying work. Navigators can be found on Instagram and Facebook @navigatorsart and Email for enquiries, commissions, etc.:


Peregrine (series of 4), Mixed media collage, 2020


Selection 2022-3, 2021-2023


From 'Walking Maps' of Coney Street, 2022


Punk/Jazz, 2023


Some collages, 2020-2024


Drawing from drawings, 2020-2024


Projects and exhibitions


Micklegate Art Trail

01/06/2024 — 23/06/2024

Micklegate, York Details


10/03/2024 — 05/04/2024

City Screen Picturehouse, York Details


20/10/2023 — 28/12/2023

Micklegate Social, York Details

Hidden Treasures

02/06/2023 — 06/07/2023

Explore, York Details


12/04/2023 — 21/04/2023

City Screen Picturehouse, York Details

Moving Pictures II

09/01/2023 — 03/03/2023

A sequel to our first Moving pix show at City Screen York, last year.

HELMSLEY ARTS CENTRE, Helmsley, N. Yorks Details

Coney Street Jam

17/10/2022 — 20/01/2023

Artists in residence at this community project in the heart of York, looking at the past, present and possible future(s) of this historic street.

StreetLife, York, York Details

The Unspoken

09/05/2022 — 15/05/2022

Theatre Royal, York Details

Moving Pictures

12/03/2022 — 16/04/2022

City Screen Picturehouse, York Details

Piccadilly Pop Up

04/04/2020 — ongoing

Every Saturday, 12.00 - 18.00 (when restrictions permit): open studios/gallery exhibition.

The Old Tax Office, 23 Piccadilly, York, York Details



Art and Poetry evening, participatory workshop/event.

Malthouse, York, York Details

Close to the Edge

23/09/2019 — 27/09/2019

MA Final show

York St John University, York Details

Crossing the Line

02/06/2019 — 07/06/2019

MA show

Spark:York, York Details
Interested in
Art Walk/TrailArts vacancyCommissionCompetitionContemporary art fairExhibitionJournal/PublicationOpen studiosParticipatory projectResidencyStudio spacesVolunteeringWorkshop
Art writingCollageDrawingInstallationPaintingPhotographyPrintmakingSculptureSocially Engaged PracticeText
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