Sheila MacNeill United Kingdom
About me I am a Glasgow based artist working in a range of paint based mediums. My work is a representation of my interactions with, and reflections on, my immediate environment. Through my work I explore and share my reactions to the boundaries between the natural environment and human imposed structures. I work in mixed media creating collages created from the bi-products of everyday life.
My work is rooted in the landscapes I encounter. The images I create are based on a mix of my immediate urban, canal side environment and more open expanses based on the lochs and hills of the west coast of Scotland where I was brought up and where I regularly visit.
Through the work I explore and share my reactions to the boundaries between the natural environment and human imposed structures. I work in mixed media creating collages created from the bi-products of everyday life – disposable face masks, packaging materials such as bubble wrap and cardboard.
I am drawn to the overlooked, the hidden, and often forgotten spaces. The boundaries of the footpath, the intersections of water and land, the water lilies at the edge of the canal bank, the chalk dust at the bottom of an easel.
In my work I create patterns in layers of textures, often imposing lines and splattered paint marks to create structure, movement and chaos. In this way I create new interpretations of the world as I experience it. My work reflects entanglements of colour, plants, litter, buildings, pathways, hills, and water into new assemblages and patterns.
My work moves between realistic representations to more abstract, mixed media assemblages. I oscillate between reality and abstraction.