Zaza Lewis United Kingdom
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Zaza's preferred tools consist of a scalpel and a pair of scissors, which together with vibrant fabrics, enables her to create detailed and inspiring images, slightly 3D, without using any paint. From landscapes to Still life, she layers and harmonises her colour with skill.

My name is Zaza and I have been exploring paper-cutting techniques mixed with fabulous fabrics, to create unique and colourful illustrations without the need to use paint. My choice of medium has evolved from a passion of textiles for many years, mixed with an eye for detail as a graphic designer. I play with colours, textures and design until I am happy the picture sings to me. You will find a happy mix of street scenes, nature, landscape and seascapes and even still life amongst my work. You are welcome to make an appointment and visit my studio amongst the creative community of Banks Mill in Derby.


Horizons Shropshire, paper-cut and fabrics, 2022


Day in London, paper-cut and fabrics, 2022, 1650


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