Call for presentations at Art Lab

Deadline: n/a

City: Halifax  |  Region: West Yorkshire  |  Country: United Kingdom  |  Alice Bradshaw

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Artists’ Presentations and Critical Dialogue

Art Lab

Artists’ Presentations and Critical Dialogue

PLEASE NOTE: Art Lab is currently not running over summer 2024. New meeting detials to be announced.

Art Lab is a peer-group meet-up for artists and art practitioners to discuss their work, concurrent ideas and critical thinking. It’s open to anyone who would like to attend and contribute constructively. Art Lab is for sharing ideas, mutual learning, peer support and networking. Presenters need to book a slot but anyone can attend and attand and contribute to discussions without prior booking.

Art Lab welcomes all art practitioners at any stage in their career and operates a safe space policy. Art Lab is coordinated by Halifax based artist/curator Alice Bradshaw


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You must have an account to send a message to the curator of this opportunity. Registering only takes a few moments. Once registered you'll be able to keep track of all of your submissions and get updates on upcoming opportunities.


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