Artist Call Out: Ephemeral Beauty - Sculptural Installation at Messums
Deadline: 27/01/2025City: Tisbury (Wiltshire) and Lowestoft (Suffolk) | Country: United Kingdom | Kaya Clarkson
Paid opportunity
In an exploration of creativity and non hydroCarbon materials, Messums Org would like to invite artists to submit a proposal for a large-scale, site-specific, ephemeral work of art to be previewed in the magnificent 13th century tithe barn at Messums West as part of the gallery's Active Environmentalism programme from 24 May to 14 June 2025; and then presented at the opening of the First Light Festival on the beach at Lowestoft on the 21st and 22nd June.
Our innate need to create is an essential part of what makes us human. Art and design define our personal and collective identities, help us communicate with others, and transform our societies.
But in an age dominated by impending environmental crises, what is the future of making? It is clear that we cannot justify continuing to extract the planet’s finite resources to create objects which neither last, nor can be recycled and so, as a species, we must find a new, sustainable way to exist.
Key to this development is a consideration of materials and the processes of making. This applies to the arts as much as any other sphere of human activity, and we believe that art and creativity offer the hope of imagination in a time of crisis.
By searching for a new understanding and aesthetic appreciation of a beauty that is ephemeral we are finding ways to reconnect both to the environment in which we are active participants and to each other.
New ways of working and new materials that are accepting of transcience and aware of their potential to fail and succumb back into the ground over time. A comfort in brevity and an understanding of recyclical eternity.
The First Light Festival takes place on the most easterly point of the country and, on the shortest night of the year, it sees the sun rise on a festival of art and discussions on the beaches of Lowestoft.
Active environmentalism requires community and dialogue, and this open call-out hopes to stimulate meaningful conversations that will result in positive change about the potential of alternative materials and an excitement for new imaginations and creativity.
The open call looks to present a work of art that combines beauty with ephemerality as part of the ‘Sculpture in the Sands’ exhibition on Lowestoft beach, which brings together four works of art in an exploration of temporality – one stone piece that will last for millennia; one made of bronze, which can be infinitely remodelled; one ephemeral work which can return to the earth; and a performance piece that lasts only momentarily.
The aim is to encourage a wider audience to consider our changing relationship with materials and objects; to explore the possibilities of artworks which inspire our connection to each other and the environment we inhabit but are not meant to last forever; and to find beauty in impermanence and comfort in the subsidence of materials back into their original states.
The overall nature of the work (in terms of subject, style, etc.) is entirely the prerogative of the artist; however, the finished piece will need to take a creative response to the following parameters:
1. No materials derived from hydrocarbons can be used in the making of the work. Or, if essential, they need to be quantified.
2. Any materials used in the making of the work which have been extracted from the earth (I.e. stone and metal) must be recycled and recyclable.
3. The work to be created giving weighting to the impact of the processes used in its construction.
4. The work will need to live outside and in the public domain.
5. The work must be transportable from Wiltshire to Lowestoft.
A budget of £5,000 for time and materials is offered for this sculpture, to include delivery to Wiltshire, and a further £450 stipend to cover time and installation in Lowestoft.
Transport between Wiltshire and Lowestoft is at the Gallery’s cost.
The artist selected will be commissioned to create their artwork in the Barn at Messums West within the budgeted figure, to be unveiled on 24 May 2025.
The piece will then tour to the South Beach in Lowestoft, where it will be installed as part of the ‘Sculpture in the Sands’ exhibition in collaboration with the First Light Festival.
The sculpture must therefore be durable enough to withstand exhibition both in the barn at Messums West for one month and outside on Lowestoft’s South Beach for the First Light Festival weekend (subject to consent and practicalities) without degrading to the point where the work is compromised (unless it is a piece which degrades/composts safely and without detriment to the local environment as part of the artwork).
The artist may also be invited to run a creative workshop during the First Light Festival.
The opportunity is by open call, followed by a selection process conducted by a panel of artists and curators. The installation will be supported by writing and critical thinking exploring the creation and interpretation of the work and ideas around ephemerality.
The project will be followed and documented by our digital partners as part of the "Making introductions" series of films
Key Dates:
6 January - Open call opens
27 January - Open call closes
24 February - Announce artists
19 May - Installation in the barn at Messums West
24 May - work is unveiled and previewed during the Does Art Work? symposium (exhibition continues in the barn for 3 weeks)
15 June - deinstallation and transportation to Lowestoft. Work installed on South Beach
21 June - First Light Festival opens
– Open to any artist working in sculpture or installation.
– Artists must have previous exhibiting experience.
– If shortlisted, you are able to create the work in the space of three months.
Submission requirements:
– 5 - 10 images of existing and proposed work
– Artist Statement specific to proposal, addressing materials and relevance
– Artist biography and CV
– Relevant exhibition history
– Full list of proposed materials and processes used in the creation of the work.
– Work details - including installation requirements
Please note:
Only one submission can be selected for this exhibition, and not being selected is not a judgement on your practice.
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