By the Dead Tree

Deadline: 25/08/2022

Venue: Abbey Wood  |  City: Abbey Wood, London  |  Region: London  |  Country: United Kingdom  |  Samuel Richardson

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By The Dead Tree is an experimental exhibition set in Abbey Wood, London. This exhibition will bring artists together to explore our relationship with nature. The exhibition will take place for one evening only on the 30th August. All artworks will be considered, but bear in mind the practicalities of the work you are submitting as it will be displayed in the woods.

By The Dead Tree is an experimental exhibition set in Abbey Wood, London. This exhibition will bring artists together to contribute to the conversation around nature and human intervention. Abbey Wood has a few nature reserves dissected by the many roads cutting through them.

The exhibition will take place for one evening only on the 30th August. The area will be onĀ  the outskirts of the woodland right next to the road where the ecosystem is already disturbed by the traffic. All artworks will be considered, but bare in mind the practicalities of the work you are submitting as it will be displayed in the woods.

By The Dead Tree explores our relationship to nature within the setting of the scattered woodland areas around abbey wood due to the intersecting roads cutting through them. These small fragments of the natural world are cast into the hectic urban life we are so familiar with. However, as the day turns to night, the nocturnal animals, namely foxes, reclaim the land. Roaming the streets, scavenging for food, fighting, and knocking bins over, its as if the natural world fights back against the city each night and it is quite interesting.

Relating to this open call may be achieved through exploring themes of: invasion, borders, nature, belonging, destruction, city life, egocentrism, colonialism, industrialisation, meditation, sustainability and many more, as previously stated it is a very broad open call.

Another aspect of this curatorial project is the innovation around art spaces - how do we open more opportunities and facilities for artists curators and other creatives? Through rethinking the use of everday spaces, expressing oneself within the art world may be possible without the need for bourgeoisie institutions and the white cube. The modern artist may be diverted and pulled towards the expensive payments of open call entry fees, student loans, overpriced artist residencies and galleries taking large commisions from art works, but negating the rigid frameworks of current, established aristic practice inevitably leads to innovation and an increase in art.

Contact the curator
Who is eligible for this opportunity?
All Artists
When is the deadline?
How many works can I submit?
When is the delivery date?
When do I need to collect my work?
30.08/2022 or 31/08/2022 or return postage can be arranged, in which case it can be held in storage until a later date of up to 1 week.
How much does it cost?
It is free, but you must cover your own postage costs including return.
Are there payments to artists?
Is there a private view / opening?
yes, 30/08/2022 7.00pm - 10.30pm
What are the exhibition opening hours?
30/08/2022 7.00pm - 10.30pm one evening exhibition only
Does the location have disabled access?
This is an outdoor location. Some pathed areas, but mostly grass. Toilet facilities are not available, but one near by can be used if necessary. Any special needs or requests can be emailed to me or asked at a later date.
What publicity will be provided as part of the opportunity?
Posters on various social media platforms and accounts, as well as around abbey wood. Promoting on samueljoshuarichardson instagram, thephotosedge instagram,
Do I need to be present?
You don't need to be present at the venue, you could just send your work and have it picked up if it is too far to travel or you can't make it. It will be a really fun night with lots of interesting art and live events though.
Where will my venue be listed?
curatorspace, eventsbride, a-n, instagram social media accounts
How do you decide on proposals?
Relation to the Brief, innovation, in depth descriptions, in depth proposals.
What happens if my proposal is chosen?
You will be contacted for more information and you will be asked to send your work ready for the private view.
What kind of proposals are you looking for?
All types of artworks, particularly those that can reframe the space or their own work through the relation to one another.

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