Craft+Conflict - Highlights Contemporary Craft Tour 2018

Deadline: 01/01/2018

Venue: Touring exhibition, visiting community spaces and art centres in the north of England  |  City: Across Cumbria, Co. Durham and Northumberland  |  Region: Cumbria  |  Country: United Kingdom  |  Karen Babayan

Expenses paid

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Highlights Craft Tour has been established for 13 years and is well respected for its high quality work and innovative, often unexpected approach, showing work that often blurs the boundaries between fine art and the applied arts/craft. Traditional craft media including wood, textiles, metal, glass and jewelry is shown alongside installation, film and animation, 3-d printing and new technologies. We are inviting submissions for this year's touring exhibition which will showcase inspiring and exemplary work that addresses the theme of Conflict+Craft.

The theme, Craft+Conflict aims to address a variety of issues:  in rural environments (conservation v agriculture & industry; rewilding v farming); as in war and the destruction of lives, of communities, villages, towns & cities and the subsequent trauma through generations; in the destruction of ancient monuments (in the erasure of evidence of previous cultures) and the refugee crisis caused by conflict around the world.  Conflict can be a very personal issue and can apply to families, in personal and professional relationships.    

An extensive outreach programme is organised with paid talks, demonstration days, mini-residencies and workshop opportunities for local schools, young people and adults. Exhibiting artists also benefit from sales (gallery commission is only 30%). We cover the cost of return of work as well as 2nd class rail fare or equivalent for any education work undertaken.  Our venues are in extraordinary places: old magistrates courts, churches and art centres and we link to local festivals such as C-Art in Cumbria and Lumiere in Durham.  The exemplary quality of our exhibitions has been recognised by Crafts Council, England and as finalist for the Best Exhibition category for the Cumbria Life Culture Awards. Our artist alumni include Rob Ryan, Mike Eden, Nora Fok and Lizzie Farey amongst others.  In 2015 visitors to the exhibition numbered over 11,000 to six venues.  Highlights is an Arts Council portfolio organisation and a registered charity.

Contact the curator
When is the deadline?
1st January 2018
When is the delivery date?
By Wednesday 29th August
When do I need to collect my work?
The work will be returned at the end of the tour in December
Are there payments to artists?
Artists will be paid to run workshops, give talks and demonstrations.
Is there a private view / opening?
Each venue has a celebratory event.
What are the exhibition opening hours?
10am-4pm, unless otherwise stated.
Does the location have disabled access?
Yes, all have disabled access.
What publicity will be provided as part of the opportunity?
Highlights prints a brochure that is distributed across Cumbria, Co. Durham and Northumberland. The Craft Tour is on the Highlights website, a dedicated Facebook page is created and regularly updated. We also use Twitter to promote the exhibition and events.
Do I need to be present?
No, but work opportunities can be arranged as appropriate ie demonstration, talks, workshops and school visit days.
Where will my venue be listed?
On Highlights web site and in local media for Cumbria, Co. Durham and Northumberland
How do you decide on proposals?
The curator Dr. Karen Babayan will choose participating artists based on a variety of criteria:
quality of work, innovation and unusual approaches as well as practicality and ease of touring (i.e. transport and set-up/dismantle).
What happens if my proposal is chosen?
I will arrange a studio visit or similar to select work and discuss opportunities for our outreach programme. An exhibition contract is issued with information on tour dates and venues.

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