CRAFTED Independent Makers Market

Deadline: 31/08/2024

City: Wakefield  |  Region: West Yorkshire  |  Country: United Kingdom  |  The Art House

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Join our new CRAFTED independent makers market at The Art House

We’re thrilled to announce CRAFTED, our new independent makers fair situated in the heart of Wakefield.

Curated by The Art House's retail manager, the event will takeover our gallery space on 2 November, coinciding with our Open Studios event.

Join Studio Holders at The Art House as they open their doors to give insights into their practice.

Visitors to the event will have the chance to explore our Grade II Listed Building - the former Carnegie Library, join in free creative activities in our Maker Spaces throughout the day and shop from our CRAFTED Makers Market. 

We're looking for contemporary designer-makers with an ethos of sustainability and handmade craft.

Applications close 31 August. We will be in touch by the 14th of September to let you know if you have been successful in your application.

The stall holder fee for this event costs £45.00 and this is payable prior to the event.

The fee includes a 5x2ft table* at the market from 10:00-16:00, early access to set up in advance, promotion through out social media channels and website, a set of assets made available for you to use to share your participation in the event in advance and support from our retail and digital communications team in the run up to the event. 

*We also have a smaller number of tables in different sizes that can accomodate larger weights. We will work with you to provide you with a table most suitable for your products.

To stay up to date with all of The Art House's news and artist opportunities follow us on Instagram at @thearthouseuk

Contact the curator
Who is eligible for this opportunity?
All independent designers, makers and crafters are eligible for this opportunity.
When is the deadline?
31 August at 10:00 PM.
How much does it cost?
Stall holder fees cost £45.00 and this is payable prior to the event.
What are the market opening hours?
The market will be open from 10:00-16:00.
Does the location have disabled access?
The Art House is a fully accessible venue with access and inclusion at the core of our organisation. You can find out more about this directly through our website.
What publicity will be provided as part of the opportunity?
Stallholders have the chance to be featured on our Instagram and Facebook page in the run up to the event.
What are the selection criteria?
We're looking for contemporary designer-makers and independent artists with a focus on local, handmade products.

You must have an account to send a message to the curator of this opportunity. Registering only takes a few moments. Once registered you'll be able to keep track of all of your submissions and get updates on upcoming opportunities.


Already have an account? You must log in to send this curator a message.
