'Expressions of Nature' Mixed Media Sculpture Exhibition at Sussex Prairie Garden.
Deadline: 31/03/2023City: Near Henfield | Region: West Sussex | Country: United Kingdom | Marie-Gabrielle Argent
We are excited to invite you to submit work for a prestigious garden sculpture exhibition in 2023 at The Sussex Prairie Garden in Sussex, UK.
The idea for the exhibition is to provide an uplifting and memorable experience for the 28,000 visitors who come to this RHS-affiliated garden in West Sussex between the 1st June to the 15th October 2023.
The sculptures you submit for consideration must be available to exhibit and sell during this time. If you sell a sculpture we will find a replacement. If you do not have a suitable replacement, we will select from our waiting list of artists.
Artists must show proof of public liability insurance and their work must be weatherproof. The venue will take 40% of sales, so the price of your work must take this into account.
As organisers, we will need you to supply us with information for the labels on the work, which will be laminated. Your work will be labelled with your name, sculpture name and price of the work.
Artists will be responsible for the delivery, installation and removal of their work. If a piece is sold during the exhibition period, the artist will be responsible for delivering to the customer.
Registration Fee: £25 for up to 3 works
Exhibition Fee per selected artist: £200 (EARLY BIRD before 11th November) or £240
Submission fees
The following submission fees apply to this opportunity.
- Registration fees - 25.00 GBP
The appropriate fee will be payable using a debit or credit card after the first submission has been completed. If the submission fee allows you to submit more than once, you will be able to make further submissions after the first. Contact the curator if you have any questions about the opportunity or the submission fee, or email help@curatorspace.com if you have any questions about the payment process.
The final deadline is 31st March 2023 and the fee is £240.
Exhibition Fee: £200 (EARLY BIRD before 11th November) or £240 (per artist)
The venue will give each artist a free family season ticket (2 adults, up to 3 children) for their own use.
You must have an account to send a message to the curator of this opportunity. Registering only takes a few moments. Once registered you'll be able to keep track of all of your submissions and get updates on upcoming opportunities.
Already have an account? You must log in to send this curator a message.
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