Flourish Award - Call out to artists
Deadline: 20/03/2020City: Mirfield | Region: West Yorkshire | Country: United Kingdom | Fabian Osborne
The Flourish Award was established in 2009 by West Yorkshire Print Workshop to showcase excellence in printmaking from across Yorkshire. Now it showcases artists from across the UK.
*We've had feedback from many of you asking for a bit more time to get your submissions in, so we have decided to extend the entry deadline for the Flourish Award 2020 to Friday 20th March.*
The 2020 Award will provide artists and printmakers with the opportunity to exhibit their work in an exhibition at the WYPW Gallery in Mirfield, followed by Woodend gallery in Scarborough.
The winner of the Award goes on to present their own solo print exhibition at Huddersfield Art Gallery in 2021. They will also benefit from a two-week residency at WYPW. In addition there are runners-up prizes, including our student/recent graduate award.
The Flourish Award celebrates and showcases excellence in printmaking from artists based in the UK by shortlisting around 12-15 artists from open submission. We are looking for creativity, skill, originality and innovation in print: from relief print and intaglio, to screenprint, lithography and more.
The competition is open to established, emerging and student artists/printmakers, with prizes awarded by an independent panel of judges. For a single submission fee of £15.00 (£10.00 students and WYPW members), artists can submit up to 3 works for consideration and be part of an increasingly recognised Award and exhibition, which provides a significant opportunity for development for the overall winner as well as exposure for all shortlisted artists.
Stephen Snoddy, Artist and Director of New Art Gallery, Walsall
Bronwen Sleigh, Artist and printmaker
Grant Scanlan, Huddersfield Museums Manager
Flourish Award for Excellence in Printmaking 2020 - Solo exhibition at Huddersfield Art Gallery, 2021, plus 2-week residency/use of facilities at WYPW.
Recent graduate/student Award - 1 free course and 1 year membership at WYPW
+ plus other prizes to be confirmed
There is a submission fee of £15.00 (£10.00 students and WYPW members), and artists can submit up to 3 works.
Please make your one-off payment of £15.00 (or £10.00 WYPW member and Student/Recent Graduate) via BACS:
Account Name: West Yorkshire Print Workshop
Sort Code: 20-26-08
Account No: 03803309
Please include a reference code when making payment with 'FLAW' followed by your initials so we know who has made payment. For example, 'FLAWAB'
Find out more about West Yorkshire Print Workshop: www.wypw.org
Contact the curator
All works submitted for the Flourish Award will be viewed by a selection panel. Each year there is a different panel made from printmakers, curators and arts professionals. The first round of judging takes places online. Works will be judged on creativity, originality, use of materials, technical ability and overall impact. It is the selection panel's role to choose a shortlist and the eventual winner of the Flourish Award. The panel's decision is final.
Account Name: West Yorkshire Print Workshop
Sort Code: 20-26-08
Account No: 03803309
Please include a reference code when making payment with FLAW followed by your initials so we know who has made payment. For example, FLAWAB
Saturday - 10.30 to 3pm
Sunday - Closed
You must have an account to send a message to the curator of this opportunity. Registering only takes a few moments. Once registered you'll be able to keep track of all of your submissions and get updates on upcoming opportunities.
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