Horsforth Walk of Art 2023

Deadline: 31/03/2023

City: Horsforth, Leeds  |  Region: West Yorkshire  |  Country: United Kingdom  |  Kezia Roberts

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The Walk of ART 2022 – 1st and 2nd July 2023 - is a free, community-led, family friendly, creative festival that engages the entire community in a fun filled celebration of the arts! We aim to showcase creativity in everyday and unusual spaces. We promote and showcase local and almost local artists, inspire the community and make creativity, in all its forms, accessible and engaging. The event is shaped by the participants so if you have an idea please submit a proposal!

The Walk is spread over 9 miles of Horsforth and housed in over 50 locations - high street shops, churches, woodlands, the park, garages, gardens, houses, sheds and caravans. There are no spaces we wouldn't consider.

The Opportunities:

 Exhibitions in donated spaces:

In order to showcase art  and creativity in its widest sense, to encourage community engagement and to inspire people to interact creatively we are looking for:

- work in the fields of painting, photography, printmaking, digital art, drawing & sculpture, writing as well as work in film, installations, poetry, music and performance.

- submissions from amateur artists, hobby groups and recent graduates or newly emerging artists as well as from established artists.

- artists who are able to meet, greet and engage with trail participants and preferably offer a hands on experience.

- residents in Horsforth who would like to create an exhibition in their own space and offer an open studio if appropriate. 

Please note: We will allocate artists to venues in April, therefore early applications are encouraged.

You are free to sell work without expectations of commission, we only ask that selling is secondary to engaging, demonstrating and inspiring. 

The aim of the trail is to inspire creativity in the participants therefore every artist and venue must offer a free hands on activity - this can be through the community adding their touch to a collaborative piece of art, a hands on activity or workshop.

High Street Galleries:

 The High Street Galleries will exhibit work created by local schools in collaboration with participating artists.

 -   We can work flexibly with whatever time you are able to offer local schools – from a half hour visit showing your work and talking about your techniques to a 2 hour workshop. We will publicise your generosity and source you materials and cover travel expenses but your time will need to be given freely.

- Please inform us on submission of your proposal whether you would like to give some time to schools.

Performance and Musical Exhibitions:

This year we are featuring musical gardens -  We are looking for artists to roam the Walk of Art and perform in the open gardens throughout the weekend.

We hope that you are as excited about this year as we are and we look forward to welcoming you into this fun filled festival on a creative shoestring!!

Once you have applied we will be in touch with you to discuss and to gather further information where required. 

For regular updates on the Walk of ART follow us on Twitter @walkof_art, Instagram horsforthwalkof_art and facebook.com/HorsforthWalkOfArt or visit our website  at www.horsforth-woa.org


Contact the curator
Who is eligible for this opportunity?
Anyone who is either from Horsforth and surrounding areas or has a strong link to Horsforth, Leeds
When is the deadline?
31st March 2023
How much does it cost?
Free to participate
Are there payments to artists?
No, we will discuss on a case by case basis if you are planning of providing materials for a hands on session or workshop.
When does the walk of art take place?
1st and 2nd July from 11am - 5pm each day
What publicity will be provided as part of the opportunity?
The event is in partnership with the Leeds Year of culture for this year so it will be publicised city and nationwide from May 2023.
We also have a website and all social media platforms with regular extensive campaigns
Do I need to be present?
Yes but limited exhibition space can also be provided, please get in touch
How do you decide on proposals?
If you fit the criteria
What happens if my proposal is chosen?
We will contact you to gather more information to feed into publicity, planning and map design.

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