Make Merton Merry

Deadline: 20/09/2024

City: London Borough of Merton  |  d wilkinson

Paid opportunity

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A commissioning call for artists who would like to help, ‘Make Merton Merry’, by delivering an arts workshop in a London Borough of Merton school to produce a display of artwork to be exhibited in a local business setting.

You will need to demonstrate that you can formulate and deliver a workshop suitable for children using their work within the final piece (albeit curated/edited as you may see fit).

In addition, it would be desirable if you were also able to hang/install the artwork/s, but this is not essential and can be discussed.

Due to the commercial setting of the finished pieces, only two days of work can be considered at this stage (though once locations are better defined, this may change).

Work can be in any medium, including painting, print, textiles, photography, etc., except for digital displays or anything that requires a power source.

While we do not want the project to be too proscriptive, we are particularly looking for artists who can incorporate either Merton’s Heritage or its aim to become London’s Borough of Sport.

Beyond that, we want artists to be as creative as possible, producing work that may be eye-catching, thought-provoking, and, of course, fun.

It is expected that you will liaise directly with your appointed school to devise a workshop that can either be delivered within a 2/3 hour session or across a few lessons with the children.

The final piece or pieces can be created and then displayed for a number of weeks (TBD) in the appointed local business or empty space.

You will need to document your process with photographs that we can share.

We ask that you be active where possible in promoting the project on social media and your own channels, as we want this to be a feel-good project for everyone to be proud of.

This is a PAID opportunity.

The estimated fee is £500 plus up to £200 materials fee based on two days of work in accordance with the Artists Union England guidelines.

Make a submission Contact the curator
Who is eligible for this opportunity?
Open to all, but preference is given to artists currently living, working, or in education in the London Borough of Merton.
When is the deadline?
When is the delivery date?
Sometime between Oct & Nov 2024. But actual dates can be decided between yourself and the partner school & business.
Are there payments to artists?
Yes. The estimated fee is £500 plus up to £200 materials fee based on two days of work in accordance with the Artists Union England guidelines.

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You must have an account to send a message to the curator of this opportunity. Registering only takes a few moments. Once registered you'll be able to keep track of all of your submissions and get updates on upcoming opportunities.


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