Deadline: 03/09/2024

Jenna Fox

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We are thrilled to announce an open call for submissions from artists and writers for an upcoming exhibition and publication centered on the theme of "Word art, slogans and manifestos".

We recently ran an exhibiton that explored the inspiration of the written word. But, for this open call the letters themselves are the art form. This TYPOGRAPHY can be in print, slogans, graphic designs, posters, graffeti, sculpture, photography or any creative application  that uses letters as the focus. 

We are seeking resolved work that meets the brief and has a unique spin on the theme.

Submission Guidelines

For Artists:

  • Visual Art: Painting, sculpture, photography, digital art, mixed media, installations, etc.
  • Specifications: Up to 3 images, no larger than 4 MB. If you are chosen, we will ask you for high-resolution images of the work (JPEG or PNG, minimum 300 dpi)—film-based work as a Vimeo or YouTube link only set to public.
  • Description: A brief description of each work (200-300 words) detailing the concept, medium, and how it relates to the theme.  Please pay careful attention to the theme and how your context relates to it!
  • An Instagram account.

For Writers:

  • Genres: Short stories, essays, poetry, experimental writing, opinion pieces and cross-genre works
  • Length: Up to 1,000 words for prose; up to 3 poems
  • Format: Word document only
  • Synopsis: A brief summary of the piece (100 words) explaining how it connects to the theme.

Terms and Conditions

  • All submissions must be original works created by the applicant.
  • Selected works will be featured in an online exhibition and/or a publication. By submitting, you grant us the right to display, publish, and promote your work as part of this project.
  • Artists and writers retain all rights to their work.

We look forward to your submission.

Do follow us on

If you have a suggestion for a theme or want to get involved with Haus-a-rest, then get in touch!

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