Open call: Humanising Medicine

Deadline: 20/10/2019

Venue: Bart's Pathology Museum  |  City: London  |  Country: United Kingdom  |  Harvey Wells

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We at Queen Mary are delighted to team up with King's College London to bring you the Humanising Medicine exhibition. In celebration of the human side of medicine we are holding an evening of art and discussions as part of the Being Human Festival. This year the theme of Being Human is 'Discoveries and Secrets' and the theme for the Queen Mary-King's College London hub is 'This time it's personal'. Our aim is to make medicine truly personal, to make medicine personalised.

The exhibition will feature visual art and creative writing that represents health and/or illness on one day of someone's life in the hope to capture the essence of what it means to be human. The exhibition will also feature work that represents the experiences of caring for the health of others.
The evening will also include short talks by a range of patients and professionals who will be sharing their experiences of health and illness. There will be an opportunity for a discussion afterwards.
We are looking for visual art and creative writing that represents health and/or illness on one day of your life. This could be an exceptionally good day with your health, a particularly bad day, or perhaps an “any day” in your life. We’re looking for art that captures your experience of health and illness.
We are also interested in art that represents your experiences of caring for the health of others. If you provide healthcare as a professional or as a family member we would welcome art or writing that captures one day of your life. 
If you would like to contribute to the exhibition please submit your digital image or written work via CuratorSpace.
We will print your work and display it as an A6 print with its title and your name.
  • Please include the title of your work and your name.
  • Visual art - sized A6 postcard (Size 10.5cm x 14.8cm)
  • Creative writing - limit of 100 words
  • You may submit up to 3 pieces of work
  • Closing date is midnight on 20th October

The work will be displayed at the Bart’s Pathology Museum as part of the Being Human festival. The event will be on Tuesday 19th November 5:30 - 7:30pm at the Bart’s Pathology Museum.
Contact the curator
Who is eligible for this opportunity?
When is the deadline?
20th October 2019
How many works can I submit?
When is the delivery date?
N/A - digital submissions only
How much does it cost?
No cost
Are there payments to artists?
No, sorry
Is there a private view / opening?
The event is one night only - 19th November 2019
What are the exhibition opening hours?
Does the location have disabled access?
During our special events, the museum can be accessed via a lift which takes you to the third floor. However, there are still 7 steps which lead into the museum so it is not ideal for disabled access. We are working on that at the moment so please bear with us.
What publicity will be provided as part of the opportunity?
Publicity through the Being Human festival website and brochure
Do I need to be present?
Where will my venue be listed?
On the blogsite and at the exhibition
How do you decide on proposals?
Unless submissions are potentially offensive, all will be accepted.
What happens if my proposal is chosen?
It will be displayed at the event. You will also receive an invitation and a print of your work by way of thanks.
What are the selection criteria?
Submissions should represent one day in the life of your health and/or illness, or one day of caring for someone else's health and/or illness.

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