Playful Information Booth pop ups

Deadline: 29/08/2024

City: Leeds  |  Region: West Yorkshire  |  Country: United Kingdom  |  Playful Anywhere

Paid opportunity

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An opportunity to be part of the very first Leeds Festival of Play and Creativity 2024! We are offering 6 Leeds based creatives the chance to engage the public in fun and interactive play as part of the Playful Information Booth pop-up at Victoria Gardens.

Leeds Festival of Play is a week long celebration of play across the city October 25th - November 3rd 2024, created by local playmakers, communities and businesses passionate about the power of play!

With Leeds Beckett University having the worlds first Professor of Playwork, and Child Friendly Leeds aiming to make Leeds the best UK city for children, we want to help establish Leeds as a city that pioneers play and creativity for all. Play is vital for both adults and children, bringing us joy and meaning to our lives, but is often overlooked in our priorities.  The Playful Information Booth is here to change that...we are looking to host 6 days of pop-up events ran by local creatives that want to get people playing more.

Modelled around a traditional 'tourist information booth' the 20ft shipping container will be located outside Leeds Art Gallery during October half-term and act as a hub for information and activities promoting the benefits of play, encouraging engagement from the public, promoting playful opportunities around the city, and discovering the publics favourite ways to play.

We are therefore looking for individuals, groups, collectives or companies that would like to takeover the booth for a day to add their own special brand of playful magic to the space. We are looking for enthusiastic playmakers who will engage the public in free playful activities and promote the Festival of Play activities occuring across the city and in communities, encouraging people to add a bit of play to their day, and think about how they could add some more play to their communities.

We are excited to see applications from both experienced and new playmakers, with tried and tested or new and exploratory ideas for playful engagement. Please indicate in your application your level of experience, if you have worked with the public before and if you have Public Liability Insurance. 

The Festival of Play aims to be as inclusive and accessible as possible, we welcome applications from all and especially those who are keen to engage with overlooked or marginalised demographics, encouraging the message that everybody can play!

The funding you will recieve for a day is £600 to cover the whole activity,  there are no further funds for materials/ equipment etc. There should be a minimum of 4hrs delivery to the public and set up/ packing up time is not included in this. 

Please bear in mind that although the shipping container acts as a hub for the activity, indoor capacity is limited and the the majority of the activity is expected to be outside, therefore considerations for the weather at this time of year should be made. The hub is unheated and subject to the british climate!

If you have more than one idea please submit multiple applications for consideration.


Contact the curator
Who is eligible for this opportunity?
How many works can I submit?
If you have several ideas for activities, please submit multiple forms
When is the delivery date?
One day between 25th October -3rd November 2025

Please let us know in the application if any of these days are not possible for you
Are there payments to artists?
£600 for a one-day takeover
Do I need to be present?
Where will my venue be listed?
Leeds Inspired and
What happens if my proposal is chosen?
We will contact you to arrange the scheduling and any further support needed.
What kind of proposals are you looking for?
Fun, Playful interpretations of the "Tourist Information Booth" theme with participatory elements

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