Witching Hour zine - call for submissions

Deadline: 20/09/2024

Sally Anderson

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Writers and artists wanted for Witching Hour zine. Witching Hour will highlight the observations and experiences of those who work or otherwise exist in the dark hours of the night, including but not limited to night shift workers, sex workers, graffiti writers, delivery drivers, entertainment and nightlife workers, examining the parallel existences occupying the same spaces at different times of the day.

Witching Hour will highlight the observations and experiences of those who work or otherwise exist in the dark hours of the night, including but not limited to night shift workers, sex workers, graffiti writers, delivery drivers, entertainment and nightlife workers, examining the parallel existences occupying the same spaces at different times of the day.

Spooky or unexplained experiences and nocturnal wildlife are also welcome.

We're interested in other interpretations and perspectives on the theme. 

We'd like to hear from artists working in painting, drawing, print, collage, photography, poetry, writing, or any other 2D form. 


Artists of any experience level, age 18 and over

Priority is given to those with lived experience in their chosen subject

Must be the creator and copyright holder of submitted work

New and existing work welcome

Must be able to provide print quality (300dpi) copies of work if selected

Key dates 

Open call 16th August 2024

Closes 20th September 2024

All applicants notified by 25th September 2024 

High resolution images to be provided by 30th September 2024

Zine available Halloween 2024


This project is unfunded, and this opportunity is unpaid.

Copies of the zine will be available at cost price (exact price tbc) for contributing artists.

Any profits from zine sales will be ring fenced to fund a future Witching Hour exhibition.

If you face any barriers to application or taking part, please contact us.

Work will not be edited, but we cannot guarantee exact colour replication due to printing constraints and paper types.

Selection will be limited by pagination.

Brief feedback will be given to all applicants.

Artists may use a pseudonym.

Make a submission Contact the curator
Who is eligible for this opportunity?
Any artist, writer, photographer, or creator over the age of 18.
The zine will not contain any explicit material however there may be adult themes. Contributors should be comfortable with their work appearing alongside this.
When is the deadline?
20th September 2024.
How many works can I submit?
When is the delivery date?
30th September 2024 (digital).
When do I need to collect my work?
How much does it cost?
No fees or payment, collaboration only.
Are there payments to artists?
Is there a private view / opening?
What are the exhibition opening hours?
Does the location have disabled access?
What publicity will be provided as part of the opportunity?
Zine will be on sale on my website.
Social media tags (optional) for all contributors.
Do I need to be present?
Where will my venue be listed?
How do you decide on proposals?
After the closing date the two curators will view all applications, and select on relevance to theme, representation of different voices and art forms, how different pieces complement one another, and what is feasible with pagination and layout .
What happens if my proposal is chosen?
You will receive an email by 25th September, asking to confirm your participation and requesting high resolution images.
What kind of proposals are you looking for?
Any 2D work - collage, digital, painting, drawing, writing, photography.
What are the selection criteria?
Relevance to theme.
Artistic voice and aesthetic appeal.
Feasibility with pagination and layout.

You must have an account to make a submission using CuratorSpace. It's free and only takes a few moments. Once registered you'll be able to keep track of all of your submissions and get updates on upcoming opportunities.


Already have an account? You'll need to log in to make a submission to this opportunity.


You must have an account to send a message to the curator of this opportunity. Registering only takes a few moments. Once registered you'll be able to keep track of all of your submissions and get updates on upcoming opportunities.


Already have an account? You must log in to send this curator a message.
