
Already have an account?

Click on the "login to CuratorSpace" button below to log into your CuatorSpace account.

Login to CuratorSpace

Register on the site using Facebook

Just click on the "Sign in with Facebook" button below to register using Facebook. Once you've registered there'll be no need to remember a new email or password for your CuratorSpace account.

Or register on the site

To register we just need a few details. Please provide these using the form below.

Your login credentials

Enter your username and password below. Your username should be a unique phrase no longer then 20 characters and should not contain spaces. Your password should be longer than 8 characters, and should contain a combination of letters and numbers.

Your username can contain letters, numbers, or an underscore. It must be longer than 8 characters but no longer than 20 characters.

How complicated is your password?

Your personal details

We need a few personal details in order to create your account. You will have the opportunity to amend these and add even more information after you log in for the first time. Note that we will never share these details with third party without your express permission.

Please tell us whether you will be using the site as an artist, an organiser, or both.
Please tell us how you found out about CuratorSpace.
This is the name that will appear next to any opportunity you create. Please leave blank if this is not relevant.
Our terms and conditions

We take your privacy very seriously and will never share your information with third parties without your explicit consent (e.g. with arts organisations running open calls you apply to). Please make sure you read our terms and conditions and our privacy policy for details on how we provide our service and how we handle your personal information.

We would also like to send you our weekly newsletter. This contains CuratorSpace news and articles, the latest opportunities published on our site, and a list of opportunities that are nearing their deadline. It may also contain select advertisements for art-and-culture related events and products.

We need to make sure you're a real human being rather than a crafty spambot! Just click in the box below and follow the instructions