Advertising on CuratorSpace
There are over 22,000 monthly active users on CuratorSpace, all of whom are either art professionals or artists, and with an average of 25,000 unique visitors per month CuratorSpace is an ideal platform to advertise art events, services, and supplies.
Web adverts are placed as shown in the screen grabs below, and feature on 90% of pages on the website.

More information
Having a web advert featured on CuratorSpace costs £20 per week. At this time no more than five adverts will feature on the CuratorSpace website. These adverts will rotate based on page view.
It is possible to book multiple advert slots to ensure your advert features more regularly on the site. For example if you paid £100 per week your advertisement would appear whenever an advertisement is shown on the website.
How to proceed
To feature an advertisement on the site please send us an image sized 800px x 800px, plus a hyperlink for further information. Please also provide the dates you would like the advert to run.
The image must be either jpg, png of gif. No animated gifs are accepted.
Get in touch at with the above information and we’ll contact you with payment options.