CuratorSpace Artist Bursary #24: Diana Terry

Diana Terry works in drawing, painting, collage and sculpture to explore how art can embody thought and emotions. With a background in teaching alongside her professional art practice, she has exhibited extensively including at Merzbarn, Scotland, Kolaj Fest, New Orleans, and The Mall Gallery, London, as well as being selected for the New Light Prize Exhibition.

"A current focus of my artwork is expressing and communicating my lived experience of hearing loss/deafness, due to my experience of becoming profoundly deaf to the point that I am now completely dependent on implants to communicate. I have developed a process when creating artwork in which I reflect on my experience and feelings related to tinnitus, ear infections and hearing loss, and then express these feelings through drawings and other media. This results in a very tangible, visual record of my lived experience.

The bursary will provide the opportunity to develop new work using this process, which will feature in an exhibition about Hearing Loss at the Jean Macfarlane building in University of Manchester in September 2024. In addition, I am keen to develop connections with other artists and researchers who collaborate across art and science, as well as presenting to students, teachers, and health professionals. This builds on the recent acceptance of my sketchbooks by the Wellcome Collection as an example of the lived experience of a deafened person."

You can see more of Diana's work here.


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