University of Huddersfield: Cultures of Place

Cultures of Place is a celebratory showcase of exhibitions, installations, performances, workshops, podcasts, talks and discussions about place. The School of Arts and Humanities at the University of Huddersfield, in collaboration with Temporary Contemporary and Kirklees Council, invites you to take part in a range of projects drawing on research taking place now by academic staff and postgraduate research students.

All the projects within this programme present different creative and cultural engagements with place across the subject areas of art, architecture, creative writing, cultural studies, graphic design, English literature, fashion, film, history, media, music, performance, photography and textiles. Hosted across three sites; Queensgate campus (University of Huddersfield), Queensgate Indoor Market and The Piazza, this programme of activities presents many different exchanges and engagements with local arts and cultural organisations, community groups, existing cultural institutions in Huddersfield and place-based initiatives (Temporary Contemporary, Year of Music 2023, WOVEN in Kirklees, Huddersfield Literature Festival, Children’s Biennale).

We thank all contributors, collaborators and existing place-based initiatives for their involvement in this programme, with our special thanks to: AME/Dai Hall, Children’s Art School, CollaboRATI, Colouricity, Dark Horse, Huddersfield Art Gallery, Huddersfield Heritage Action Zone, Parlour by Parley, West Yorkshire Archive Service, West Yorkshire Print Workshop, WOVEN in Kirklees, Year of Music 2023.

The projects presented have been brought together to deepen our understanding of place and to connect with the exciting research taking place within the School of Arts and Humanities. Find out more about the individual projects and book FREE tickets for workshops, talks and performances on the website.

Twitter: @AHHuddersfield

Instagram: @ahhuddersfield

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