Pam Matthews Lancashire, United Kingdom
I only returned to using clay several years ago after a break of over 35 years and following work-related mental health issues. The charity Create Bolton supported me in rediscovering my love of ceramics and encouraging me to develop my own style of making. My work is inspired by my love of nature and my style is still evolving.
My relationship with ceramics is very much therapeutic and the process of creating remains the most important aspect for me. Each piece is thrown or hand built using a white stoneware clay. Once leather-hard, I use a range of techniques, sculpting by adding clay and taking away parts of each vessel, creating textures, incisions and horizons suggesting land, sea and sky. Whilst some may be complex with identifiable features, other are less defined, leaving these open to personal interpretation. After bisque firing I apply a wide range of oxides, washes, underglazes and glazes - building up depth of tone, colour and tactile qualities. Each piece is then fired again in an electric kiln to stoneware temperature. I am fascinated with experimenting and exploring the magical effects of layering glazes on the textures and curvatures of each individual piece. I take my inspiration from our wonderful coastlines, landscapes and woodlands. I currently have my work displayed in Scotland, Northumberland and Lancashire and have recently ventured into selling at local artisan fairs.