Tom Norman London, United Kingdom
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I am a multi-disciplinary artist currently working with photography, screen printing, drawing and painting

Since graduating from Camberwell College of Arts in 1995, I have instigated group performance, installation, murals, plus exhibiting in a number of solo and group shows.

In 2018 I produced a body of work called ‘Urbanature’ exploring the magical intersection between nature and man-made environments.

I moved back to a painting practice during the covid pandemic, predominantly as a therapeutic practice. I produced a body of gouache paintings on cold pressed paper called ‘Lockdown Labyrinth.’ I exhibited them in a solo show in June 2022.

Much of my work is currently rooted in the keen observation of everyday spaces and capturing fleeting moments. I have developed a practice of active looking that I call ‘eating with my eyes.’ This is based on my interest in how observation and memory can work to create fictionalised reality, but also on how creativity can be democratised, so that anyone can take part.

​My current body of work called 'Liminality' is focused around around mental health and sense of self. It comes out of my personal experience of depression and the therapeutic methods that I practice to develop body awareness. with the work, I want to explore the submergence and emergence that characterise mental and emotional states of being.

Alongside my visual arts practice, I work as a service and social designer in the third and public sectors. I have previously worked as a graphic designer, art director and an interaction designer.


Midsummer in Bel Air, Gouache, 2021, 400

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Summer in Devil's Punchbowl, Gouache, 2021, 400

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