Sadie Hennessy Kent, United Kingdom
I am a multi-disciplinary artist working in collage, assemblage, printmaking and live events. I am currently Screen Print Fellow at the Royal Academy.
Sadie Hennessy is a multi-disciplinary artist whose roots lie in collage, but who has expanded her idea of collage to encompass the third and fourth dimensions, to create immersive environments and events, examining the zeitgeist and the world around her, as she perceives it. She explores the vital issues of the day, through a dark prism of melancholia, mixed with black humour. She is especially interested I the tension between the natural and the man-made world. Her current body of work is rooted in the climate emergency and the idea of post-humanism and human/object hybrids. She envisages a time where we have to find other planets to call home. She's using pulp sci-fi imagery in her collages and prints, and redundant technology in the sculptural work, to explore these ideas. The theme functions as a metaphor for her own personal sadnesses, as well as being the most important subject of our times.